3D stereo scientific & information visualization environments NCSA Strategic Planning Presentation (April 20,2010) Donna Cox, Robert Patterson, Alex Betts, Matt Hall, Stuart Levy, AJ Christensen, Dave Semeraro NCSA’s 4K 3D Interactive and cinematic visualization environment
How long are you willing to wait for visual feedback? Studies of Human Tolerance Thresholds: Interactive frame rate minimum 15 frames per second Software render times maximum 45 minutes per image General trend, the amount of data exceeds and overwhelms interactive and display technologies that couple humans to visual analysis & interpretation Requires software as well as hardware & network solutions 96% of user survey request personnel to support visualization (2008 Oak Ridge Survey of 320 NSF PI’s) NCSA Strategic Planning Presentation (April 20,2010) Challenges:
Interactive and pre-processed visualization (both needed): Over 20 years of stored data & petabytes to be collected on daily basis….. Many visualizations will continue to be a post-process Build visualization pre-processes into CI pipelines New methods of data pre-processing for interactive analysis sessions Alternate and redundant data representations Firmware level of detail Pre-processing derivative data for interactive vis Real-time data streams Multiple source data AMR & nested grid data: temporal + spatial interpolation For interactivity, leverage GPUs !!!! GPU cluster renders streamed over network to displays NCSA Strategic Planning Presentation (April 20,2010)
Advancements in both entertainment and science are driving graphics and visualization hardware 3D: Use of the stereo for scientific disciplines (chemistry, astrophysics) GPU graphics and computational: digital special effects in movies Spielberg: visualizing the future earth for the public Increasing rates of media distribution to public: Needs for scientific ‘immutable mobiles’ will continue over next 5-10 years (internet TV, portability of visual science)** ** “The links between different places in time and space are completely modified by this fantastic acceleration of immutable mobiles which circulate everywhere and in all directions” Visualisation and Cognition: Drawing Things Together Bruno Latour NCSA Strategic Planning Presentation (April 20,2010) Trends in market place:
Trends in visualization 3D (stereo) displays in the commercial market place: Increasing commercial 3D movie theaters, 3D home entertainment (IMAX 3D, Discovery 3D television, Sony, etc.) Driving the commercial market and consumer hardware Motivation to provide 3D experience to compete with internet content 3D Stereo and 4K digital formats (Red, JVC, Fujifilm/Nvidia) (media, projection, 4K 3D LCD panels etc.) Museums upgrading to digital: Public outreach and informal education More demand in museums for 3D (10 x tickets) public outreach and engagement venues Schools adoption of content display technology Price point lowered due to increased consumer market NCSA Strategic Planning Presentation (April 20,2010)
Communication and distribution of science through portable and packaged visualizations Repurposing and repackaging visualizations for wider and targeted audiences Millions through internet TV HD stereo TV (coming) Full-dome digital museums and planetaria NCSA Strategic Planning Presentation (April 20,2010) Opportunities leveraging HPC resources