The State University Progess in the EU SLOVAKIA Jan Svoboda
2 Slovakia overview Population 5,5 mln Number of students – 33 Higher Education Institutions
POLICY - Autonomy Organizational autonomy /INDICATE/ 45,0 Financial autonomy /INDICATE/ 70,0 Staffing autonomy /INDICATE/ 54,0 Academic autonomy /INDICATE/ 56,0 Interventional autonomy /INDICATE/ 50,0 3
POLICY - Autonomy University autonomy is about 56 % From 2009 Universities could open new specialized working places connected with praxis and start-up & spin- off companies. They must also have internal system of providing education quality. There was established new central register for final works connected with plagiarist detection system, using is mandatory ! 4
POLICY – Financing level Slovakia ranks 19 th position out of 19 countries with 5005 EUR spent per student There was modified a system of financing public universities in Slovakia in Financing level for research -R&D expenditure in Slovakia represent 0,2 % of total GDP -In 2011 the Government of Slovakia adopted actualization of long period intention of state and research policy (Strategy FENIX) 5
POLICY – Incentive framework Slovakia has 22% of financing for research allocated competitively, 25,8% below EU avarage. They were some influences for financing universities: -Cancellation of legal subjectivity from faculties to universities -Dividing higher education into 3 basic levels (Bc, Mgr, PhD.) -Complex acreditation process – dividing universities into 3 groups In 2011 Slovak Government adopted longterm intention of state and research policy/strategy Fenix. 6
UNIVERSITY PERFORMANCE AND OUTPUTS The graduates have 11% more chance to be employed in comparison with average population – Slovakia 14 th country out of 29. There is a present discussion about targeting motivation for study candidates – for better positioning on job market. There is not enough short study programmes in Slovakia. Dividing study for Bc. and Mgr. is only formal, nearly all Bc. Graduates continues in Mgr. study. With university education of 2 nd level there is risk of unemployment 2,5 less than with high school education comparison. 7
UNIVERSITY PERFORMANCE AND OUTPUTS General student satisfaction in Slovakia: -Student satisfaction with their university is 60% -1/3 of students would not choose again their school -More than 30 % would not recommend their schools to friends -50% of graduates think, they can use their education in real life -85% of students is working (part-time jobs, …) 8
UNIVERSITY PERFORMANCE IN RESEARCH 38 scientific publication in 2007 – 23 rd out of 29 countries 0,02 application for patents at the EPO – 27 th out of 29 countries From 2008 there was huge research support from structural founds to make research more quality and competitive. 9
POSITION IN INTERNATIONAL RANKING Slovakia has no universities in the first 400 universities according to Jiao Ting or Times ranking for higher education. Within creating a university policy, rankings are not so important. In 2010 and 2011 the government adopted action for reduction of information disparity, which is an indirect effect of rankings. 10
ECONOMIC OUTCOMES Slovakia ranks the 25 th of 29 countries in term of global competitivness. In terms of innovation, Slovakia ranks the 25 th of 29 countries. Slovakia has a cumulative economic growth of 59,7%, this makes it the 1 st of 29 countries. 11