Supporting EU Programmes in Social Sciences & Humanities (SSH) Presentation to NUI Galway, 5 th November 2013 Paul Kilkenny, National Contact Point for.


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Presentation transcript:

Supporting EU Programmes in Social Sciences & Humanities (SSH) Presentation to NUI Galway, 5 th November 2013 Paul Kilkenny, National Contact Point for SSH in Horizon2020

Outline Irish Research Council  Background  Mission & Supports European Commission  Established Networks & Programmes  Horizon 2020  Increasing Ireland’s Participation Social Sciences & Humanities – Opportunities for Ireland  Societal Challenges; Challenge 6 & Others  European Research Council (SSH)

The mission of the Irish Research Council is to enable and sustain a vibrant and creative research community in Ireland The Irish Research Council – who are we?

What do we do?

Government of Ireland (GOI) Schemes GOI Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme Support for postgraduate degrees – Research Masters Degree, Doctoral Degree Full time, based at Irish HEI Supports new entrants and those who have part-completed degree GOI Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme Support for postdoctoral research projects Full time, based at Irish HEI One year fellowship: to prepare a doctoral dissertation for publication Two year fellowship: to develop a new research project or a project which is a significant development of the subject of the doctorate

Enterprise Schemes Enterprise Partnership Scheme (EPS) Support for postgraduate and postdoctoral degrees Researcher based in Irish HEI with placement opportunity with Enterprise Partner Enterprise partner based anywhere in the world Employment Based Postgraduate Programme (EBP) Support for postgraduate degrees Researcher employed by Employment Partner, spends 50-70% of time with them and remainder in Irish HEI Employment Partner based in Ireland Elevate Postdoctoral Programme (ELEVATE) Support for postdoctoral degrees Researcher located 2 years abroad in HEI or Enterprise partner, spends 1 year back in Irish HEI International HEI or Enterprise partner can be based anywhere in the world

GOI Schemes Supporting European Funding GOI Research Projects Grant Scheme Support for researchers and research teams to build capacity in their research area through project grants and knowledge transfer activities Applicants are full time members of academic staff for no less than 2-4 years Three types of grant: Starter RPG Advanced RPG Interdisciplinary RPG GOI New Foundations Scheme Support for researchers who intend to pursue research, networking or dissemination activities One year award, welcomes applications to develop networks or projects in support of future application to national or international funding programmes

Before you apply Schemes are run on a competitive basis based on specific terms and conditions. T&Cs cover all aspects of scheme including: Eligibility Funding parameters Criteria for scoring Deadlines Talk to your Research Office Talk to parties relevant to your application – Supervisor/Enterprise Partner/Referees - discuss proposal with them well in advance of deadline Does your proposal need ethical approval? Does your research have a gender dimension? o E

Existing EU Networks & Opportunities

New EU Programme Launching 10 th December

Horizon 2020: Overview Three Pillars 1. Excellent Science 2. Industrial Leadership 3. Societal Challenges €75 Billion

Horizon 2020: Purpose An instrument for growth and jobs  coupling research to innovation – from research to retail, all forms of innovation;  focusing on societal challenges facing EU society, e.g. health, clean energy and transport, security, environmental sustainability, Europe in a changing world;  providing simplified access, for all companies, universities, institutes in all EU countries and beyond.

Horizon 2020: Proposed Funding (€M) EXCELLENT SCIENCE PILLAR European Research Council (13,095)  Frontier Research – Any Discipline  Circa 17% for SSH based on FP7 Performance Future and Emerging Technologies  Collaborative research to open new fields of innovation (2,696) Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions  Opportunities for training and career development (6,162)

Horizon 2020: Proposed Funding (€M) Research infrastructures (including e- infrastructure)  Ensuring access to world-class facilities (2, 488)

European Research Council (ERC) ERC supports investigator-initiated research across all fields of research Emphasis on “frontier research”: both basic research in science and technology and society, of critical importance to economic and social welfare, and also research at and beyond the frontiers of understanding, to yield progress in new and exciting research areas that are characterized by an absence of disciplinary boundaries. Three main research domains: Physical Sciences & Engineering - NCP: Graeme Horley, SFI Life Sciences - NCP: Graeme Horley, SFI Social Sciences & Humanities - NCP: Paul Kilkenny, IRC

ERC Schemes

Horizon 2020: Proposed Funding (€M) INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP PILLAR Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - ICT, nanotechnologies, materials, biotechnology, manufacturing, space (13 557) Access to risk finance Leveraging private finance and venture capital for research and innovation (2 842) Innovation in SMEs Fostering all forms of innovation in all types of SMEs (616) + complemented by expected 20% of budget of societal challenges + LEITs and 'Access to risk finance' with strong SME focus

Horizon 2020: Proposed Funding (€M) Societal Challenges PILLAR 1.Health, demographic change and wellbeing (7,472) 2.Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research & the bio-economy (3,851) 3.Secure, clean and efficient energy(5,931) 4.Smart, green and integrated transport (6,339) 5.Climate action, resource efficiency… (3,081) 6.Inclusive and reflective societies (1,309) 7.Secure societies (1,695) Science with and for society (462) Spreading excellence and widening participation (816)

NUIG Performance in FP7 – Slide One HES InstitutionFunding to Irish Participants (€) Total Funding to Projects (€) TCD €76,250,460€647,667,268 UCD €68,434,113€686,669,266 UCC €67,425,054€567,225,135 NUIG €38,818,276€380,120,199 DCU €27,203,195€171,096,315 UL €17,228,129€224,530,047 RCSI €12,258,446€67,095,389 NUIM €9,641,008€58,523,592 WIT €13,293,080€104,632,878 DIT €2,919,006€32,116,083 CIT €2,989,511€81,421,518

NUIG Performance in FP7 – Slide Two Higher Education Institution Total Number of Participations Total Number of Successful Participations % Participation Success Rate TCD % UCD % UCC % NUIG % DCU % UL % WIT % NUIM % RCSI % DIT % CIT %

NUIG Performance in FP7 – Slide Three Funding to Irish Participants (€ million) HES InstitutionFP6FP7 TCD UCD UCC NUIG DCU UL WIT RCSI NUIM DIT CIT

Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 6 Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Call Topics for (Indicative Funding Subject to change) Overcoming the Crisis: New Ideas, Strategies and Governance Structures for Europe (35M) The Young Generation in an Innovative, Inclusive and Sustainable Europe (15M) Reflective Societies: Cultural Heritage and European Identities (54.5M) Europe as a Global Actor (46.2M) New forms of Innovation (68M) Other policy related calls and actions (99M) – Innovation Policy Tenders

NUIG Targets for SSH in Horizon 2020 Where does NUIG want to be in Horizon 2020?

Contact Points Thank you!