BUSINESS ENGLISH 1 Information for students Information for students
Your teacher Nada Gjukić, senior lecturer Nada Gjukić, senior lecturer
How can I be reached? ► ► ► Tel ► OFFICE HOURS Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Thursday 12-13
Course requirements ► Regular attendance in seminar classes and class participation ► Passing TWO progress tests (written, followed by an oral examination) ► IN-CLASS PRESENTATION ► Regular submission of written assignments (Portfolio)
What are we testing in progress tests ? 1) READING SKILLS (understanding and solving exercises connected with articles and reports → contemporary business issues) 2) WRITING SKILLS (writing different types of business letters, s, note-form summaries, paragraphs and CVs)
What happens if you fail one of the two progress tests? You will be required to take the You will be required to take the comprehensive written exam comprehensive written exam held at the end of the term held at the end of the term
“In-class presentation”? “In-class presentation”?. 1) Successful team-work 2) Thorough research 3) Clear structure 4) Ability to use the language of presentations effectively 5) Ability to use information* in visual form correctly
Oral exam You are expected to: 1) Demonstrate your ability to clearly and coherently present business topics covered by the course 2) Express a viewpoint on a topical issue and ask relevant questions
Required course literature ► MacKenzie, I. (2010): ENGLISH FOR BUSINESS STUDIES, 3rd edition, CUP ► BUSINESS ENGLISH READER I (2010) – Mikrorad
Useful tips ► Try to read copies of Business Week, The Financial Times, The Economist ► Watch business programmes on BBC and CNN ►,,,,
University essentials
. ► Are you studying economy or economics? ► She’s a student of _______________ at the Faculty of Economics and Business in Zagreb. ► The Croatian ___________ is fighting to get out of recession.
Academic degrees READER, p 5, section ACADEMIC DEGREES: Bachelor’s degree → Bachelor of Arts (BA) → Bachelor of Science (BSc) → Bachelor of Science (BSc) Master’s degree → MA, MSc Doctor’s degree, doctoral degree, Ph.D. (PhD) BSc in Economics
Students ► Are you a freshmen/sophomore/junior student/senior student? ► Are you an undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate student? * Try translating the underlined expressions into Croatian!
► Are you a full-time or a part-time student? ► Is English a compulsory/mandatory or an elective/optional course for you? ► Will you be taking part in: Final exams? Mid-term exams? Preliminary exam?
FOR YOUR SEMINAR CLASS! ► Please read pp 5 and 6 in your BUSINESS ENGLISH 1 READER, underline any difficult or new words. ► PAGE 5, task 2 – ANSWER THE QUESTIONS IN THE FORM OF A SHORT ESSAY __________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________