Scattering by particles PHY2505 - Lecture 6 Scattering by particles
Outline Refractive index Mie scattering – “white clouds” an exact solution for homogeneous spherical particles Geometric scattering – refractive effects: rainbows, halos.. Real atmospheric particles Scattering effects due to shape and variations in composition
Refractive index Liou: see Appendix D, p529-532 Last time: Rayleigh scattering – what is the origin of the real and imaginery components of refractive index? – Fundamentally it is the dispersion relationship for modes of oscillation in the Lorenz atom: Liou: see Appendix D, p529-532 Refractive index,m, by definition is the ratio of speed of light in a medium to that in a vacuum (m2=eo) We have an expression for refractive index in terms of “polarizability” – how do we relate this to EM frequency… Definition of polarizability is the separation of charges in the dipole induced by the electric field.. Relationship of polarizability to frequency is found by solving the equation for displacement r generated by the Lorenz force on a charged particle. The solution is in terms of a resonant frequency of oscillation of the dipole, and dispersion of wave frequencies induced by the medium about this frequency The half width of the natural broadening depends on the damping an=g/4p and line strength S is pNe2/mec . Thus the absorption coeffiecient, k, is 4pnomi/c.
Plots of refractive index components
Mie scattering Hard part An exact scattering solution for homogeneous spherical particles. Derivation not too difficult but very long… won’t go into in detail here..just main points: Based on wave equation in spherical polar co-ordinates, origin centre of particle….Most of the mathematical complexity in this theory is due to expressing a plane wave as an expansion in spherical polar functions Scalar solutions to the wave equation are Related to vector solutions by Series expansion for E and H of form Legendre Bessel Neumann Hard part
Mie scattering fields Consider particle sphere radus r, refractive index m, surrounded by vacuum, m=1 To find the coefficients defining the scattered wave, use boundary condition at surface of sphere Incident field Scattered field Giving coefficients: Field expressed by incoming wave, Bessel function Y (k1r) Field expressed by superposition of incoming and outgoing waves
Angular dependence Define functions …from Bohren & Huffmann, 1986
Scattering matrix form Define scattering functions: Then by considering parallel and perpendicular components of the field Scattering matrix
Extinction efficiency Find extinction cross section by superimposing incident and scattered fields in the forward direction S1(q=0) and integrating over the sphere Extinction efficiency Approximations to Mie theory are based on a power series expansion of the Bessel functions where Rayleigh term
Extinction efficiency for a sphere
Geometric optics A glory A glory
Geometric optics In the geometric limit light can be thought of as a collection of individual rays. This approximation is increasingly bad as the size parameter gets smaller, where phase effects become important and the effect of a wavefront is smeared out over the particle To express the scattered wave field in the geometric scattering limit we must superimpose the fields due to effects of diffraction, reflection and refraction governed by fixed phase relations Far field= Fraunhofer diffraction: Bessel function solution:
Geometric optics Reflection and refraction: Responsible for rainbows and glories: Deviation due to multiple reflection and refraction p is number of internal reflections Differenciating Snell’s law, we get a minimum which governs the angle the ray exits:
Geometric optics
Comparison of geometric and Mie scattering Geometric optics is poor approximation for small x, asymptotic improvement for large x: Computation of exact solutions for spheres, spheroids and cyllinders possible from Mie approach (any shape where boundary can be expressed on a surface of the co-ordinate system) And for coated inhomogenous particles with spherical symmetry.. BUT.. Computationally expensive: a rough rule of thumb is that x terms must be retained in Bessel expansion, so for a raindrop – implies 12,000
Real particles
Real particles: thought expt Smoothing out of features as size parameter decreases…also observable with “geometric effects”.. Inner rainbow observable only for raindrops above a certain size parameter….with small raindrops, it is smeared out and disappears
Real particles: refractive index Smoothing out of features as size parameter decreases…also observable with “geometric effects”: Inner rainbow observable only for raindrops above a certain size parameter….with small raindrops, it is smeared out and disappears
Equation of radiative transfer through a scattering layer 4 3 2 1 1 Attenuation by extinction 2. Single scattering 3. Multiple scattering 4. Emission Coefficients:
RTE scattering parameters To account for shape variation and inhomogenuity in real particles, we introduce two parameters to characterize particles: Single scattering albedo, w = bs/be Asymmetry parameter, g = the “average” scattering angle From expansion of the phase function
Summary We have looked at Mie scattering, geometric scattering and the refractive index of real particles …and related this to the radiative transfer equation Next time we are going to look at thermal radiation…(Liou, chapter 4) ..radiative transfer models & computational techniques (practical 1) ..then look at the radiative transfer problem through a cloudy atmosphere