NATIVE ELDER CAREGIVER CURRICULUM NECC Caring for Our Elders: Health Disparities Among Native Elders 2.2 Caring for our Elders: Health Disparities Among Native Elders 2.2 1
Health Disparities: Native Elders HEALTH DISPARITIES AMONG NATIVE ELDERS Session Average Life expectancy for American Indians varies by geographic location low average age of 64.3 years in Aberdeen Area high average age of 76.3 years in California Average life expectancy age in general population is 76.9 years* * cited in McDonald, Ludtke, & Allery (July 10, 2002) Testimony to Senate Committee on Indian Affairs
Health Disparities: Native Elders HEALTH DISPARITIES AMONG NATIVE ELDERS Session “Health Disparity” Definition: “gaps in the quality of health & health care across racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups”* * cited in Wikipedia from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Healthy People 2010: National Health Promotion & Disease Prevention Objectives, conference ed. (Washington, D.C., January 2000)
Health Disparities: Native Elders HEALTH DISPARITIES AMONG NATIVE ELDERS Session Two Ways to think about the term “health disparities” 1.Disease rates are high Can think that “more Indian people do get sick” … OR 2.Health risk factors can be controlled Can think that “it is possible to reduce risk for disease” by reducing risk factors
Health Disparities: Native Elders HEALTH DISPARITIES AMONG NATIVE ELDERS Session Disparities in Chronic Diseases among Native Elders Native elders are more likely to experience certain health conditions compared to the general population:
Health Disparities: Native Elders HEALTH DISPARITIES AMONG NATIVE ELDERS Session Examples* of Disparities in Chronic Diseases among Native Elders as compared to general population Arthritis 19.5 % more likely CHF48.7 % more likely Hypertension 17.7 % more likely
Health Disparities: Native Elders HEALTH DISPARITIES AMONG NATIVE ELDERS Session Examples* of Health Disparities (Continued) Stroke: 17.5 % more likely Asthma: 4.3 % more likely Diabetes: % more likely *Cited in McDonald, Ludtke, & Allery (July 10, 2002) Testimony to Senate Committee on Indian Affairs
Health Disparities: Native Elders HEALTH DISPARITIES AMONG NATIVE ELDERS Session Rates of some diseases appear “lower” in different regional areas However… this may mean that people who have certain health conditions do not survive the condition, and are not “counted” in the rates This may mean that people have lower survival rates of these diseases than the general population, not that the prevalence is lower
Health Disparities: Native Elders HEALTH DISPARITIES AMONG NATIVE ELDERS Session Other disparities occur also… The following is just one example that really demonstrates the seriousness of the situation: From , I.H.S. estimated that the death rate from pneumonia & flu for American Indian people was 71 % higher than the entire general U.S. population* * Office of the General Counsel, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, (February, 2004)
Health Disparities: Native Elders HEALTH DISPARITIES AMONG NATIVE ELDERS Session A number of causes for Health Disparities* Discrimination related to generations of injustices Limited access to appropriate health facilities Poor access to health insurance programs Insufficient federal funding Quality of care issues Disproportionate poverty Poor education * Office of the General Counsel, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (2004)
Health Disparities: Native Elders HEALTH DISPARITIES AMONG NATIVE ELDERS Session Social Determinants of Health*: contribute to Health Disparities among Native Elders Socioeconomic status transportation issues Housing issues Access to services Discrimination Social or environmental stressors *CDC Social Determinants of Health Working Group
Health Disparities: Native Elders HEALTH DISPARITIES AMONG NATIVE ELDERS Session The Causes of Health Disparities are real But… going back to the earlier slide above… TWO WAYS TO THINK ABOUT DISPARITIES 1.“People are just going to get sick more often if they are Native American…”(fatalistic perspective) OR 2.“ It is possible to reduce risk for diseases among Native American elders…”(health promotion perspective)
Health Disparities: Native Elders HEALTH DISPARITIES AMONG NATIVE ELDERS Session Communities, Elders & Caregivers have definite challenges in providing care for their elders! BUT… Communities, Elders & Caregivers can decide which perspective to take in the care of their elders!
Health Disparities: Native Elders HEALTH DISPARITIES AMONG NATIVE ELDERS Session Community People can make a big difference working together !
Health Disparities: Native Elders HEALTH DISPARITIES AMONG NATIVE ELDERS Session Communities can create healthier communities