Student Retention Best Practices NC Community College System, Noel Levitz and Sallie Mae, Inc. Student Retention Workshop November 14, 2006
Presenter: Charletta Sims, M. Ed. Associate Director of Student Development Services for NC Community College System
Overview of NC Community Colleges Student Retention Best Practices Survey Results
Area of Best Practices in Student Retention Early Outreach Testing Registration Deadlines Special Services & Programs Academic Advising Programs Mentoring Programs Learning Communities Minority Male Mentoring Textbooks on Library Reserve Cultural Enrichment Activity Committees & Task Force Recognition
Student Retention Best Practices NC Community College Participants Asheville-Buncombe TCC Beaufort CC Bladen CC Carteret CC Coastal Carolina CC Cleveland CC Craven CC Durham TCC
NCCCS - Best Practices Edgecombe CC Halifax CC Isothermal CC James Sprunt CC Johnston CC Piedmont CC Randolph CC Wake TCC
Characteristics of Successful Student Retention Programs Highly structured Interlocked with other programs/services Rely on extended, intensive student contact Place special emphasis on staff/faculty quality Focus on attentive & cognitive needs Track and monitor student satisfaction
Early Outreach Require first time students to attend Orientation programs Offer on-line Orientation Programs Provide extensive Orientation instructions on special services, graduation requirements, support services, etc. Require students to take College Success Course
Early Outreach - 2 Financial Aid Awareness -Offer Financial Aid workshops within the college -Offer Financial Aid Workshops to high school students and the community
Testing Offer One Stop Testing Sessions High School Testing Program: Offer Placement testing to high school students on their premises Placement testing for new students Provide orientation information in small groups after testing Register students for classes
Registration Limit the number of registration days Send notification to students who have dropped from courses or programs Telephone students who drop from courses or programs
Special Services & Programs Curriculum Learning Center Student Support Specialist Student Support Services Special Workshops Disability Services Student Focus Groups Re-organization of Admissions and Counseling Office
Curriculum Learning Center Provides Tutorial Services - English, Math, basic computer skills, etc. Provides professional staff counseling Instructor Referrals - Instructor Retention Alert Forms
Student Support Specialist Counsels students regarding problems that lead to withdrawal or dropout -transportation -childcare -emergency funds -provides tutorial services -other services needed by the student
Student Support Services Provides Social, Academic &, Career Counseling Provides Tutorial Services Provides special assistance to low income and first generation students Provides workshops & seminars Provides remedial instruction
Special Workshops Stress Management Note Taking Time Management Test Taking Study Skills Student Success Workshops
Disability Services Facilitates success in classroom through support and accommodations -Resolve disability related barriers -Monitor student attendance -Monitor academic performance
Student Focus Groups Used to engage students in college decision making
Re-organization of Admissions and Counseling Offices Provide proactive intrusive academic, personal and career counseling Provide Customer Service Orientation -Encourage collaborative effort by the college faculty & staff to offer friendly customer service
Academic Advising Establish early warning system Offer routine counseling Early alert referral by faculty Establish Academic Advising Day Transfer Advising Center Encourage faculty meetings and mandatory appointments Academic Probation after two consecutive semesters Require student to complete recommended remediation
Academic Fresh Start Program Students apply to Admissions Committee to remove Fs from Transcript Student must meet specific criteria Eligible Students improve GPA Increase transfer opportunities
Academic Support Center Provides computer assisted instruction -Tutorial -Academic advising -Individual learning models
Committee and Task Forces Develop Retention Quality Improvement Team or Committee -Review methods to retain students -Make recommendations for retention solutions Develop Student Success Committee -Discuss issues & polices that impact student success -Include faculty, staff and students
Mentoring The Mentor Project -Utilizes student mentors to- -model good academic behavior -teach study skills -meet regularly with students -identify campus resources -monitor student progress -Keep progress journals
Mentoring -2 TRIO - Mentoring Component - Faculty & staff serve as mentors - Assess individual student need - Follow up to insure needs are met - Mentors guide students through the system Encourage Leadership through mentoring
Learning Communities Provide integrated support system for students Students bond and serve as support to each other Selected students are assigned to two or more courses Students are encouraged to study together and work on projects together
Minority Male Mentoring Initiative Program developed to improve retention and graduation rates among minority males Program features - -Counselor/Advisor -Extensive mentoring -Weekly counseling -Monthly group sessions -Enrichment activities
Textbooks on Library Reserve Developed to help students who cannot purchase books Books are placed on reserve in the Library for student use Students can use books for (2) hours at a time
Cultural Enrichment Activity The Channel TRIO - Book Club -Piedmont CC -increases participants sense of self awareness, self knowledge, self discovery -provides contact with faculty and staff outside the classroom -students read (4) books a year -students meet (3) times a semester
Communication Provide more avenues to disseminate retention information through - -Web Pages -Workshops -Cultural enrichment -Newsletters -Counseling -Mentoring
Recognition Reward academic achievers Reward & train staff Retain staff who perform well
Thank You! Contact Information Charletta Sims NC Community College System