What do you think has happened here with this map of the world…
Now find… UKUSAAustraliaSouth Africa
What do you think this one is showing? Now find… UKUSA AustraliaSouth Africa
Today we are going to be thinking about how we can use MATHS and AVERAGES in Geography The Big Question is…. How can we MEASURE quality of life?
But how might we actually measure POVERTY? Look back at your QUALITY of LIFE spider- grams from last lesson. How many FACTORS could we actually MEASURE, to calculate how RICH or POOR a country is?
MeasureWhat is it?What can we LEARN from it about QUALITY of LIFE? Useful? GDP per capita (per person) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the value of ALL GOODS and SERVICES PRODUCED by a COUNTRY in a year. It is divided by the number of people in the country to give an average. Geog Hog image Look at your GEOG HOG cards – you each have been given a country. Look at the measures. Decide which ones would be MOST USEFUL for working out how good a QUALITY of LIFE people have in each country. For each factor decide if it is of: HIGH / MEDIUM / LOW usefulness. We’ll do ONE together.
LINKS TO? MeasureWhat is it?What can we LEARN from it about QUALITY of LIFE? Useful? (H/M/L) Surface AreaHow BIG the country is in square km Highest PointThe height of the highest mountain Average Temperature of the Capital City This one’s easy… CO2 Emissions per capita (per person) The amount of CO2 (carbon dioxide) produced in the country, divided by the number of people GDP per capita (per person) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the value of ALL GOODS and SERVICES PRODUCED by a COUNTRY in a year. It is divided by the number of people in the country to give an average. Food Consumption per capita The amount of CALORIES eaten on average per person. (You need 2500 to be healthy) PopulationThe number of people in the country Birth Rate (per 1000)The number of NEW BABIES born for every thousand people in 1 year Male Literacy %The percentage of males who can read and write Female Literacy (%)The percentage of females who can read and write Life ExpectancyHow long an average person can expect to live Pig PopulationThe number of pigs used in farming (usually for meat) in the country
Do any of the measures LINK to each other? How many links can you make?
How does Birth Rate link to Female Literacy? Organise yourself in order of birth rate. Lowest on the right, highest on the left. Look at your Female Literacy rate. How far forward would you have to walk to show this number?(work as a class) What correlation can you see?
So what do you think are the MOST USEFUL measures? What are the LEAST USEFUL measures?
KEY GEOGRAPHY CONCEPT: A country’s development is often measured through something called GDP This means GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT ‘Gross Domestic Product’ is basically the total VALUE of ALL GOODS and SERVICES PRODUCED by a COUNTRY in a year. In other words, the value of all the toys, food, shoes, books, etc. MANUFACTURED and all SERVICES such as restaurants, lawyers, bankers, healthcare etc.
RECAP: What are the MOST USEFUL measures of DEVELOPMENT? Male Literacy % Birth Rate (per 1000) CO2 Emissions per capita (per person) Food Consumption per capita Pig Population
Today we are going to think about how we can use data to LEARN about the QUALITY of life in different countries. Our BIG QUESTION is… Where is the BEST PLACE to be born in the world?
Your Task: On your table are 6-8 Geog Hog cards. You are going to place them in the order you think they would be BEST to be born in. Talk on your table and be ready to share your ideas. What FACTORS did you use to make your decisions? What are the PROBLEMS in doing this? Can you think of a BETTER WAY to do this? We need to come up with a way of creating a HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX – a standard way of COMPARING COUNTRIES…
Measure Mexico USA New Zealand AustraliaBangladesh Life Expectancy GDP per Capita $ , Food Consumption Kcal Male Literacy % Female Literacy % RANKSMexico USA New ZealandAustraliaBangladesh Life Expectancy43215 GDP per Capita $ Food Consumption Kcal Male Literacy % Female Literacy % TOTAL RANK POINTS TOTAL RANK Look at the first factor and find the country with the BEST (in this case highest) measure… Then write this into the table below as rank 1 Now do the same for all the other measures… Finally, add up all your ranks to fill in the TOTAL line at the bottom – this gives us a ‘TOTAL RANK POINTS’. Then, put these in order to get an OVERALL RANK, or ‘DEVELOPMENT INDEX - remember LOWEST is BEST (1)
So, what’s out ‘Top 5’
Right – that was easy! So far we have been working with some BASIC data. You are now going to have a go with a LOT MORE DATA, to build a more SOPHISTICATED HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX Look at the COUNTRY DATA SHEET. Are there any NEW WORDS or MEASURES you don’t understand? Now look through the data and fill in your new RANKING SHEET to create a HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX
We now have some MORE indicators. How do they LINK with each other? Come up to board and create as many links as you can
Now decide, WHICH three factors do you think are MOST IMPORTANT in MEASURING QUALITY of LIFE. Be ready to share…
MeasureMexicoUSANew ZealandAustraliaBangladesh Life Expectancy GDP per Capita $ , Food Consumption Kcal Male Literacy % Female Literacy % RanksMexicoUSANew ZealandAustraliaBangladesh Life Expectancy43215 GDP per Capita $ Food Consumption Kcal Male Literacy % Female Literacy % TOTAL RANK POINTS TOTAL RANK