MW-Sonet BB-Digital Backpack Introduction to digital photography Antalya March
Philosophical backgorund Photo making is not an inborn skill, but a learnable stuff. The photo is made by the photographer, not by the camera. The camera makes what we want to do. Better camera does not equal better photo. Photo making means to convert light into picture (that’s how it’s called in Hungarian). Doing well = to know what and how we want to see on the picture. Digital or analogue? It does not matter, the camera only a technical device.
Main objectives of the course Participants would be able to: Make pictures on good technical level Making interesting photos Introduce (share) their pictures with others. Make a good relationship with their camera.
Experiences of the course– a basic reasons of digressions from scheduled method All the participants know well each other. Between them there’s a little need for digital communication. Attendances have different theoretical and objective knowledge on photo making; from absolutely beginner to advanced level. Needs and expectations of participants are extremly different. Important part of attendances have problems with basic pc use.
Trainers’ reaction to participants’ demand Creation process of the final digital curricula happened on the courses. Use a special rhythm can be followed by participants. Questions- asnwers interaction Reschedule of planned method (re- explanation of individual lessons, lenghten the time given for these lessons)
Partial aims – technical realization Pick up photo technical bases. Short photo history (technical) Explanation of digital photo: understanding objective-data-picture-data process. Understand importancy and features of light. Datastore and data transfer. Digital darkroom (finishing and processing of pictures)
Part aims- content What kind of object we should shoot? – and what we should not? Short photo history (famous photographers – pictures, what changed the world) Pick up composition bases
Share photos Publish on the Internet. Services for photographers on the Internet.
Revised method I. Know photographical concepts (lightvalue, aperture, shutter speed, sensitivity, definition, deep-sensitivity, Use photographical concepts. Basic features of cameras, functions Devices for realization, objective (view angle,, perspective, enlarging, aperture etc – their effetcts to the photo – which objective is used for what?) Recognition of typical errors, possibilities for correction and avoidance.
Revised method II. Get to know and use the light (light-relations, natural and artificial lighting, light features – color temperature, white-balance) Show famous pictures, analyse them Basic compostion elements (rules of canon of proportions, picture balance, cut, black and white or coloured, relation between foreground and background, explataion of subject and message,. („What are the subjects we must not make a photo on?) Recognize typical errors, avoid them with composition
Revised method III. Digital learning (resolution, pixel, dpi, sensor, picture size, printing or monitor, send and share. Picture processing with GIMP (free „photoshop”) – download and install GIMP, sizing, cutting, tone and curve, brightness- contrast, tone-saturation, color balance, sharpen, retouch, layers.
Thank you for attention! Made by: Fejes István, Dienes Anita Hungarian Telecottage Association