Ministry of Health and Social Affairs Sweden National Coordinators – an example of non-traditional forms of central government steering Lena Hellberg Ministry of Health and Social Affairs Sweden May 2014
Ministry of Health and Social Affairs Sweden Basic facts about Sweden Population: 9.6 million Density: 24 pers/km 2 Distribution: 40% lives in Stockholm, Gothenburg or Malmö Immigration: 21% born abroad or have two foreign-born parents Unemployment: 8.5% GDP per capita: USD 40,000 Average life expectancy: 84 years (women) and 80 years (men)
Ministry of Health and Social Affairs Sweden Organisation of health care in Sweden Three political and administrative levels: National Ministry of Health and Social Affairs Central government agencies Regional 21 county councils Local 290 municipalities Legislation Supervision Evaluation, follow-up (Financing) Responsible for health care services to all residents. Impose taxes Responsible for domestic care of elderly and disabled Impose taxes
Ministry of Health and Social Affairs Sweden National Coordinator a person appointed by the Government operates outside agency structures coordinate and implement government policy dependent on several actors complex problems
Ministry of Health and Social Affairs Sweden Example of coordinators efficient use of resources in the health care freedom of choice of provider improved care for people with chronic illnesses the most ill elderly
Ministry of Health and Social Affairs Sweden Improved care for people with chronic illnesses Strategy patient centeredness´ and patient participation implementation of clinical guidelines through improvement actions prevention and early detection
Ministry of Health and Social Affairs Sweden Different types and advantages Negotiator Analyst Instigator Attracts attention Flexible More independent Gain legitimacy