Polar Bears :3 By: Adam Vu
Scientific Classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Carnivora Family: Ursidae Genus: Ursus Species: U. martimus
General Characteristics Lives mostly within the Arctic Ocean and its surrounding land and sea masses The conservation status is set to vulnerable Their bodies are made to resist the cold temperatures, moving across the snow, ice, and open water, and for hunting the seals which make up most of its diet They are born on land yet they live in the sea most of their life Its the only marine mammal that can travel miles on land or sea Polar Bears lives where a majority of seals stay
Random Information that is needed They weigh 770-1540 lbs and they are 7-9 feet in length They are the most carnivorous member of the bear family Polar bears usually wait by the seal breathing holes, crouching and staying slient for up to a few hours. When they smell the seal, they use their paw and claw it on shore and biting their head, crushing the skull The long muzzle and neck of the polar bear helps it search for prey and enables them to drag their prey When eating the seal, they mainly eat the skin and blubber because of its high calorie content whereas the younger bears eat the meat
I realized I might run out of titles to use The Polar Bear is considered the strongest animal due to their enormous power, although they mainly eat the pups rather than the adults Polar bears diet can also eat birds, eggs, rodents, crabs, and berries/roots/kelp Their behavior is random. For instance, they rarely attack humans unless provoked. However, due to their lack of human interaction, they are extremely unpredictable. They are fearless and have been known to have eat humans Polar bears are also known as stealth hunters and their prey usually don’t know until the attack occurs.
I can easily think of titles LOOK :3 Adult polar bears live solitary lives, but they could sometimes be seen playing together and sleeping as well When it comes to reproduction, it usually takes place on the sea ice in April and May A male may follow the tracks of a breeding female for 60 miles or more, and after all of that, males usually brawl out and have been known to leave scars and broken teeth. They have a polygynous relationship (multiple people) During the four months while the egg is being fertilized, the mother eats a hefty amount of food gaining 440 lbs or more
Lol Im ded The max life expectancy is around 25 years and their deaths are poorly understood due to the corpses rarely being found in the frigid habitat Older polar bears can’t fight or hunt, so they die to starvation, or becoming injured which results in the same death The longest a polar bear has swimmed is 220 miles and the average is 96 miles. They usually take up a day to ten days When it comes to fur, it consist of a dense, insulating underfur thats actually pigment-free and transparent and reflect light which it turns makes it white.
Rip in pieces lol Polar bears have black skin as a cool side fact Thier fur on land allows no heat loss and in the water, they rely on their fat layer more since the fur is a bad insulator Polar bears distribute their weight evenly across thin ice Their claws help with hunting and traction. Their ears and tail provide a way to conserve heat The brain of a polar bear is said to be comparable to an ape because of their ability to live in a dynamic artic environment In the arctic environment it is said that polar bear is on top of the food chain
Much slide, very title wow Ice is a must when they choose a place to live obviously because they live in the artic as well. This is because polar bears live on a cycle of feasting and fasting. For example, if a bear is in good condition, the bear will only eat the seal’s blubber and skin. Polar bears mainly follow ice when the summer time comes around Polar bears movement consist of a slow stroll and depending on the gender can walk 3-4 miles an hour while females move about 2-3. Walking polar bears expend about 13 times the energy a resting bear does. This is why they prefer still-hunting
Imma title lawl Polar bears communicate through their body language, vocalizations, and scent markings For example, nose to nose greetings often mean that they are asking for food, head wagging means that they wanna play, growls represent anger, and lastly deep growls are warnings to defend a food source Polar bears may find mates by following scented trails left by footpads Polar bears like to be clean because wet/dirty fur is a poor insulator They clean themselves with snow unless water is available
I wonder if I need to make more titles The average temperature that polar bears live in is around -25 to -30 degrees F Another adaptation is their insulation ability. Two layers of fur and a thick layer of body fat allows their body temperature and metabolic rate won’t change no matter the temperature is They also dig shelter pits for warmth, cover their muzzles which are heat radiators, and use their thickly furred paws to drift over the snow Ironically they have more issues with overheating than the cold itself which is why they walk
Look at dat cute bear
I hate wasting a slide for a video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZuXahxEOfw