Completing the project Artist Study Completing the project
Artists Name 1. Cover Lots of pictures of your artists work stuck down Your Name Your Class Lots of pictures of your artists work stuck down Lots of pictures of your artists work stuck down Lots of pictures of your artists work stuck down Tips: Use decorative writing, Cut out pictures neatly Use paint etc. to make a background in the style of your artist.
2. Biography Which artists did similar work at the time? When and where were they born? Picture Picture Which artists did they like? Which artists did they influence later? Picture Tips This page is a brief biography of your chosen Artists life. Include interesting details about their cultural circumstances. What do you think they were influenced by? What genre of Art were they working in? What other Artists may be making similar work? Don’t forget pictures!
3. Analysis Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Who? What? When? Where? Why? Tips Select 3 pieces of work by your artist – print them out and include them on your sheet. Each piece must be analysed in detail, using the 5 W’s Create a different style background, but one that still fits in with your research. Think about how you are laying out your information!
4. Study of artists work Tips Now it is time to try out some work in the style of your artist. You will copy a piece of their work. For this task you will be using drawing media – if your artist is a sculptor, painter or photographer, carefully draw their work. See how accurately you can represent their work
5. Generating your ideas Thumbnail Sketches Thumbnail Sketches Themes My Artist Techniques Thumbnail Sketches Thumbnail Sketches Media Style Thumbnail Sketches Make a mindmap that explores all the possibilities that you have been considering so far. What ideas does your artist explore? What could you do to explore the same ideas? You can make anything, in any media, as long as it is appropriate! Tips Now it is time for you to start generating ideas. You will be making a piece of Art work in the style of your chosen Artist. This will not be a copy of their work, but your original work using the Artist to help guide and inspire you.
6. Final Piece Tips Make sure that your final piece reflects the artist you have chosen and researched in terms of style, media and subject matter.