Toddlers Bellringer: What information do you already KNOW about toddlers? What information do you want to know about toddlers?


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Presentation transcript:

Toddlers Bellringer: What information do you already KNOW about toddlers? What information do you want to know about toddlers?

Toddlers: Age from 12 months-36 months

The toddler stage is characterized by much growth and change, mood swings and some negativity. Toddlers are known as long on will and short on skill WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?

Why do you think this age is known as the terrible twos?

long on will and short on skill This is why they are often frustrated because they cannot always physically do what they want to do. And end up "misbehaving“ because they are frustrated and do not know how to handle their emotions yet. This is why some adults call this stage, "the terrible twos."

Toddlers The toddler stage is very important in a child's life. It is the time between infancy and childhood when a child learns and grows in many ways. Everything that happens to the toddler is meaningful for with each stage or skill the child masters, a new stage begins.

Toddlers bursting with energy and ideas need to explore their environment. It is important to make sure that they can explore in an environment that is safe for them. They want to be independent, and yet, they are still very dependent. To create an environment to fits the needs to toddlers, it is first important to understand how toddlers develop physically.

Physical Development Major changes in a child’s physical growth are evidenced mainly by height, weight, body proportion, stance, mobility, and teeth.

Height and Weight Children gain less than ½ the average monthly weight they did during the 1 st year EXAMPLE Average Boys 1 yr- H: 29 to 30 ½ W: 21 to 24 ½ lbs 2 yr- H: 33 ½ to 35 ¼ W: 26 to 30 lbs 3 yr- H: 36 ¾ to 38 ¾ W: 29 ½ to 34 lbs Growth in height slows by ½ Heredity / environments begins to influence the rate of growth (can begin to see variations tall todd- tall adult)

Proportion/ Posture Child’s posture improves during the period from age 1- 3 From 1-2: Circumference of head, abdomen, and chest are about same From 2-3: The chest becomes larger around than the head and abdomen. Arms legs, torso lengthen.

Teeth More teeth begin to develop By 2 on average 8 more teeth develop Last 4 back teeth emerge early 3 rd year Diet has a great influence on formation of teeth Dairy products important Poor diet causes tooth decay

Motor Development General Patterns of Physical Development: From head to foot Near to far Simple to complex Can anyone give an example for physical development of infants using general pattern as reference?

Variations occur by differences in a child’s physical size, health and diet, interests, temperaments, or opportunities for physical play. During toddler age, gross and fine motor skills dramatically improve. ** Not all children develop physical skills at the same rate.

Motor Development Gross Motor (Promoted through physical activity) Walking is a significant gross motor milestone Begin to walk at age of 1 year Begin to stand- walk holding furniture- wobbly/ uncertain- toes pointed outward, feet spread apart, arms held out for balance- shaky steps & collapse With practice they become more steady/ build balance Climbing follows same sequence Hand – eye coordination improves as time goes on ** Child proofing important at this point bc of increased mobility**

Fine Motor (smaller/ more detailed movements) At 12 months: learn grab objects using thumb and forefinger months: children learn to feed themselves and to drink from cup At 24 months: display dexterity (skillful use of hand and fingers) They can turn pages of book, color (outside the lines), build blocks Starts to display preference for handedness At 36 months: Draw shapes

Take a Poll… Out of our class… How many are right handed? How many are left handed? A challenge for you to use your opposite hand for the rest of the period!!

Reliving Your Toddler Years Today, we are going to relive our toddler years and experience how it feels like to be a toddler. REMEMBER: long on will and short on skill Walk around room at eye level. What do you see/ hazards etc. Dexterity: take poll on left/right Made draw picture using opposite hand. Cut picture using left hand? What did you feel? How does this relate to terrible twos? Support exlanation through personal experience

Height Walk around room on your knees. Write down what do you see? How does it feel? What do you see as potential hazards for toddlers at this height?

Fine Motor Using your opposite hand, color the shapes using crayons. One you are done, cut picture opposite hand? Record: How did it feel? How well did it turn out? What troubles/ difficulties did you have completing the task?

Re-think again… Overall how was your experience of being a toddler? How does your experience relate to terrible twos? Support explanation through personal experience

L: What have you learned about toddlers Rate overall understanding of todays lesson: 1 2 3