+ Fast Track to Write Your Book – Session 5 & 6 With New York Times Best Selling Author Peggy McColl
+ Today’s Overview Session #5: Securing a Publisher for Your Book Finding an Agent Working with an Agent Session #6: Self Publishing Print on Demand Hybrid Publishers 2
+ Watch This Video 3
+ 4
+ BENEFITSCHALLENGES No cost (usually) for production Distribution is already set up May have multiple sales offices They warehouse and ship May do publicity (rare) May have events (isolated cases) If sales are strong, you have a good chance to get another contract Sometimes pay an “advance” Connections with Foreign Rights Proven value/adds credibility They design your cover Will likely have to pay an editor Require you to have an Agent first Takes longer for your book to come out (but not always) YOU are responsible for marketing and publicity Possibly make less per book The Publisher own the rights to the book (which may include audio version too) Takes a long time to get royalties It isn’t easy to get a Publisher 5
+ You can pursue a Publisher BEFORE you write the book OR You can pursue a Publisher AFTER you have written a book OR You can pursue a Publisher AFTER you have written AND released a book Timing 6
+ You write a sample chapter (or two or three) It becomes part of the book proposal You have a TOC And, you have a short description for each chapter Before You Write the Book 7
+ Your book is ready to show Include only part of it in the proposal Only send when asked/requested After You Write the Book 8
+ Publishers will look at your results After You Release Your Book 9
+ 2 Things #1. A great book idea! #2. An author who clearly understands it is THEIR responsibility to market their book and they have prepared a solid marketing plan! BONUS: If you have a “platform” 10
+ First Step: Find an Agent 11
+ Someone who LOVES your work Someone who is truly in “sales” Someone who knows how to get results What to Look For in an Agent 12
+ Review Typically 15% of all Royalties & Advances No up front fee Legally Binding Contract Work with ONE Agent Should have an Option for an “out” Literary Agent Contracts 13
+ Get Prepared Create a Book Proposal Do Your Homework/Research Before You Even Begin to Look 14
+ Author/Agent Arrangement You, The AUTHORThe Literary Agent Prepare a Book Proposal Respond to Agent’s Requests Be Available Review the “offers” with Agent Make a Decision Fulfill Your End Review Your Proposal and Advise “Sell” Your Book Idea / Proposal Secure contract(s) with Publisher Represent you Negotiate Receive Funds Distribute Funds 15
+ Create curiosity Get to the point Personalize Credibility Call to Action Query /Letter to Agents 16
+ A great book idea Creativity Uniqueness Well thought-out Thorough Complete Solid Marketing Plan Credibility A Book Proposal 17
+ Table of Contents Proposal Overview Chapter Outline Introduction (Sample) Chapters 1 Chapter 2 Chapters 3 – 21 (overview ONLY) About the Author Promotional Plan – Media & Publicity Promotional Plan – Online Book Promotion Promotional Plan – Website Development Special Markets Competitive Analysis Endorsements for Peggy McColl Other Endorsements 21 Distinctions of Wealth – Book Proposal 18
+ Viral Explosions Book Proposal 19 Contents of the Proposal for the Book Viral Explosions! Viral Explosions! by Peggy McColl 3 The Promise of Viral Explosions! 4 Why Peggy McColl Is the One to Write This Book! 8 Peggy McColl’s Platform 10 Promotional Plan for Viral Explosions! 13 Contents of Viral Explosions! 18 Success Stories and Praise from Graduates of Peggy McColl’s Online Marketing Program 26 Comparative Books31 Peggy McColl’s Hay House Publications32 Endorsements for Peggy McColl 34
+ 21 Search online The internet's most trusted database of literary agents Search by keywords: cookbook literary agents Look at similar books –who is their agent?
+ And now … 22
+ BENEFITSCHALLENGES Fast way to bring your book to market You could/should make more $ per book You own the rights to your work Quick and easy to make changes/updates/new editions You can sell to Foreign Rights You can make audio version, “e” versions, large print versions You can create any version you desire (print, trade paperback, hard-cover or “e”) All production costs are yours You have to set up your own distribution (unless you use certain POD services that include this) Possibly less perceived value (depending on quality) 23
+ You can look for a Publisher even though you are Self Publishing but be aware … 24
+ Save the file as a.pdf Paypal Clickbank Shopping Cart You “own” the customer You also keep ALL of the profit You can do online stores too! Sell Your eBook from Your Site 25
+ Standard Pricing What’s the “information” worth to people? Can bundle it up with other “stuff” when creating special offers at higher price points Pricing Your eBook 26
+ As a lead generator To build an list Give Your Book Away 27
+ Production Services Vanity Publishing Self Publishing Services True Self Publishing 28
+ Self Publishing Services
+ Compare Shop Around Look at the Testimonials Call them and talk to someone BE AWARE of their ADD – ONS!!! Choose the one that is right for you POD Offers 31
+ 32
+ Royalties 33
+ Buying Copies of Your Own Book 35
+ Morgan-James Publishing Offers advantages of traditional publisher Benefit of time-to-market of Self-Publishing Distribution into 90% of retail bookstores Receive 4,500 manuscripts (publish a fraction) Accept, reject or refer 37
+ They may contact you Typically smaller advances Challenge to monitor royalties Publishers actively work with them 38
le=On%20Being%20a%20Dog%20with%20a%20Bone%20ebook&refreshing=true Please make sure this entire link is ALL together. You can cut it and past it in your browser. 39
+ Questions? 40