Elements of a Model KM Framework for Country Offices United Nations Development Programme Knowledge Management Workshop UNDP Bhutan August 2004
Communities of Practice & Knowledge Worker Model KM Framework create capture share apply Knowledge assets People Capacity mapping K-products Documenting & Codifying Templates IT K-Networks CO-to-CO support Technology Culture & Trust Incentives Business Processes Learning cycle Handover procedures Peer assist Projects/activities Tools developed Monitoring Action reflection Learn Before Learn During Learn After After Action Review Lessons Learned Comparative Experiences
Determinants for KM strategy development Time availability Management support for cultural change Technology infrastructure/ connectivity Staffing Systems and processes Learning Knowledge creation Advocacy and communication Financial resources
4 4 People and Performance Make knowledge sharing and networking a core performance factor of the RCA Introduce incentives to promote knowledge sharing and reward “best knowledge worker” –Give attribution, recognition, credit –Introduce “Knowledge-Olympics” Set up multidisciplinary programme teams Introduce mentoring and coaching Use the “Mutual Support Initiative” Recruit KM officer (KM, LM and M&E officer could form core of KM unit)
5 5 Learning Apply the learning cycle and introduce “after action reviews” in the programming cycle Use joint field visits for knowledge sharing and learning Prepare and share lessons learned Organize ‘exit-interviews’ Use 5% learning time creatively Make use of VDA Organize dedicated knowledge sharing and learning events Deal openly with project failures as learning opportunity Strengthen the role of the M&E unit
6 6 Working smarter Establish in-country networks Join global expert networks Engage knowledge networks Introduce Peer Reviews (e.g. virtual PAC meeting) Review comparative experiences Use different technologies to manage your knowledge
7 7 Practical issues Capturing –Templates to standardize –Structured hand-over procedures, incl. exit interviews Documentation –Organized and “cleaned” shared drives –CO intranet site –Document filing system Sharing –Regular PO meetings –Informal meeting possibilities –Joint field visits –Regular dedicated learning sessions –CO-to-CO support/exchange –Join/set up communities of practice –Provide and allow feedback – be constructive
8 8 Key lessons Leadership from the top is essential Leader of CoP is ‘make or break’ A holistic approach to managing knowledge only works in a non-hierarchical environment Facilitators should have good communication skills, but not be the “expert” Knowledge is power, which often prevents people from sharing it KS is about trust Rewarding people for KS is crucial Start from the clients (internal and external) and define the problem (knowledge gaps) first Think carefully about the business case – articulate the reasons for KS
9 9 Further issues to consider Knowledge is created by human beings It is natural for people to create and share knowledge Everybody is a knowledge worker People choose to share their knowledge Knowledge management is not about technology Knowledge is born in chaotic processes that take time
10 End of presentation Thank you for your attention