Mermaids Per 1 Table 2. Female mermaids and male mermen are “ imaginary ” beings with the upper bodies of humans and the lower bodies of fish. Often mentioned.


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Presentation transcript:

Mermaids Per 1 Table 2

Female mermaids and male mermen are “ imaginary ” beings with the upper bodies of humans and the lower bodies of fish. Often mentioned in European legends, they also show up in folklore of sailors and sea going people from many regions of the world. Mermaids may be thought of as lovely, but they are often associated with danger. It can go from beautiful and bountiful, to fear and disaster.

mermaid video

The origin of mermaids originated from Babylonian texts, which mentioned a god Oannes, who was part man, part fish. These creatures appear in folklore all around the world. Mermaids are associated with the moon, a said water controlling celestial body. They show this with a mirror.

Many places have word of mermaids, such as Ireland, where they were believed to be pagan women. The tale says they were transformed by St. Patrick, and banished to live in the sea. The Welsh also believe to have seen them, but they call them ceffyl.

Many people have studied mermaids, such as Cryptozoologists. In 1403, a mermaid was said to be found in shallow water in Holland. In 1560 many supposed mermaids were caught in Ceylon. Henry Hudson also reported a sighting in 1608 in the Arctic Ocean. Pliny was the first naturalist to discuss mermaids. While many are searching, a cashier in the far east gave €500 to a “disguised mermaid” who offered to double his money for him.

Mermaids are more associated with danger rather than beauty by sailors. When they see one, it shows DANGER. Mermaids are said to lure them in and take their souls to their kingdom forever. They feel haunted by these siren like creatures, but it is said that if you take their belt or cap, you can control the mermaid or merman.

There are legends of someone who drowned, and may appear as a man, woman, child or animal. The name is Estonian Nakk. This creature would take form of something favorable to a human, take it into the water and drown it, and then swallow it whole. This is one of the many mermaid legends. One of the many reasons why sailors would find mermaids dangerous and deadly. x_x

Mermaids have been thought of and “seen” for a very long time. Although the “found” mermaids were hoaxes, could they have existed millions or billions of years ago? We have only explored about 5% of our oceans, so the possibilities are endless. These creatures and many more may be discovered, but we haven’t seen them. Yet…...

WORKS CITED ~ Cavendish, Richard. Man, Myth | an Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Supernatural. London: Purnell; [sole Distributors in USA: Gordon & Gotch, Hollywood, Calif., Print. ~Wickersham, John M. Myths and Legends of the World. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, Print. ~Hall, Mark A. Natural Mysteries: Monster Lizards, English Dragons, and Other Puzzling Animals. Minneapolis, MN: Mark A. Hall Publications and Research, Print. ~Planet, Animal. "Animal Planet." Animal Planet. Animal Planet, Spring Web. 26 Sept