Energy Ability to do work … “Does stuff” Energy comes in many different forms Energy can change from one form to another Energy is usually measured in Calories It takes one calorie to raise the temperature of 1g of water 1 degree C
Forms of Energy Mechanical: Thermal (Heat): Chemical: Nuclear: Light: Electrical: Radio: Electromagnetic:
States of Energy Potential Energy: “waiting to be used” Kinetic Energy: “being used / released”
Law of Conservation of Energy Energy in the universe is neither created or destroyed (there is a constant amount of energy) Energy can only be converted from one form to another (energy isn’t “lost”, it merely changes form) Energy conversions occur without loss or gain in energy (however, not all forms of energy are “useful”)
Second and Third Law of Thermodynamics In a closed system, there is a tendency towards disorder and loss of heat. All processes come to a stop at absolute zero (-273C)
light chemical NuclearSun: H 2 He sunlight Energy of plants Food energy ( carbos, lipids, etc)
Light & heat Light bulb turns on, gives off heat mechanical Energy of you moving Energy of a turbine electrical Electricity (moving electrons)
light chemical NuclearSun: H 2 He sunlight Energy of plants Oil (millions of years ago) Mechanicalcar moving