ICFTU-APRO Youth Action Plans Background: Youth issues are directly or indirectly related to youth employment situations. As such, younger workers in formalised youth structures gives sense to a more structured approach to the concerns. With a consolidated approach to these issues, better collective actions and strategies and standards can be developed from a regional and international perspective. Not every affiliate in APRO has a formalised youth structure that provides a voice for younger workers in relation to their employment issues. Hence, actions plans were developed with a purpose for reaching various youths, be it in permanent, casual employments, seeking jobs or in schools.
ICFTU-APRO Youth Action Plans Objectives (est 4 years) –All affiliated National Centres set up constitutionalised youth committees / organisation to better represent youth related employment issues. –APRO Youth committee to set up communication links with respective national youth committees for sharing information, strategies, experiences & developments –Youth representatives be included in major international / national meetings where decision- making is concerned
ICFTU-APRO Youth Action Plans Proposed activities –Publicity Various campaigns through printed materials &/or items targeted at different groups (On issues like Child Labour, HIV & AIDS, Decent Work, Youth Unemployment, anti-drug abuse etc. to be distributed in international conferences &/or relevant National run campaigns) Cartoons creation, Documentary/ short story films – Newsletter (Bi-monthly general youths related issues either from APRO youth or other related youth union movmements.)
–Solicomm Network To appoint Administrators within the APRO Youth committee to allow access to people who signs up To encourage / promote respective youth committees to sign-up To create mailing list To establish ICFTU-APRO Youth Committee e-library to share files / photos / documents To have youth officer &/or committee members to organise topics for online conferencing ICFTU-APRO Youth Action Plans
–Youth officer & the APRO youth committee will monitor progress of all activities & achievements of the objectives through the Solicomm Network ICFTU-APRO Youth Action Plans
–Youth Website/ Webpage Revamp ( to reach IT savvy youths) To Include: –Committee’s Terms-Of-Reference –Committee Events / photos –Articles, Issues –Database collection for newsletter distribution (to encourage youth members to sign-up) –Relevant issues / happenings of respective National Centre Youth Committees –Relevant issues / happenings of other international youth union movements (other GUFs…etc) –Hyperlinks to Solicomm / other international & national youth union movements
ICFTU-APRO Youth Action Plans –Training / Programs (on issues such as organising, recruitment, decent work…etc) To have continuous exchange programs with National Centre Youth Committees To have exchange / training / educational programs with other National Centres youths (including those who have yet set up youth committees) To actively participate as far as possible all ICFTU & ICFTU- APRO organised activities to provide a voice for youths To actively participate in ILO / ACTRAV future training programs Other ad-hoc activities / projects / social activities / fund- raising programs
ICFTU-APRO Youth Action Plans –Promote & institutionalise tripartite youth structures to organise activities / dialogues / workshops at both national / international levels