Participation in Government What is your ideology?
Take the opinion quiz Read each of the statements and decide if they are true or false. The way you view these statements will help us to determine what ideology you have!
First Amendment The First Amendment gives us the freedoms of speech, press, assembly, religion & petition. It is our responsibility as citizens to make our voices heard (peacefully) so that our elected representatives know how to represent us!! Complete the survey.
Are you liberal or conservative? Give yourself two points if you responded the following ways: 1.T2. T3. F4. F 5. T6. F7. F8. T 9. F10. T11. T12. T 13. F14. F15. F16. F 17. T18. F19. T20. T 21. F22. F
Tally Your Score 0 – – 27: 28 – 44: You are a LIBERAL You are a MODERATE You are a CONSERVATIVE
What does that mean? Ideology: –a set of beliefs that allow you to view public policy issues in a CONSISTANT manner; how a person views issues –This tells others in general what your beliefs are and how you base your opinions.
Types of Ideologies LIBERAL : –A person who believes that Gov't should ACTIVELY and PEACEFULLY promote social reform [change] within the existing system. –a.k.a. lefties, left wings, bleeding hearts, doves –Ex) The Clintons, Pres. Barack Obama, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Michael Moore
Types of Ideologies CONSERVATIVE: –A person in favor of the STATUS QUO, the norm, who is CAUTIOUS about new policies and who generally feels that the gov’t should stay out of the affairs of private citizens & businesses. –a.k.a. rightists, right wings, Neanderthals, & hawks –Ex) Pres. Bush, John Roberts, Rush Limbaugh, Sara Palin
TYPES OF IDEOLOGIES MODERATE: –A person whose attitudes and opinions are SOMEWHERE BETWEEN those of a liberal and a conservative. –a.k.a. Middle-of-the-road, fence riders –Ex) Sen. John McCain, Justice Stephen Breyer, Rudy Guiliani
MORE TYPES OF IDEOLOGIES RADICAL: –Someone who favors RAPID, fundamental change in the existing social, economic, or political order; willing to use PHYSICAL force Ex) Black Panthers, Malcolm X, Aggressive Environmental Groups REACTIONARY: –Someone who actively pursues a RETURN to a previous gov’t or state of affairs; willing to go to extremes and use physical force –Ex) KKK, Neo-Nazi Groups, Islamic Extremists
Spectrum of Ideology LEFTRIGHT MODERATES LIBERALSCONSERVATIVES RADICALSREACTIONARIES Where do most Americans fall? 41.4%17.3% 15%3% 12.3%9% 2% Black Panthers KKK DemocratsRepublicans
Two people of the same gender should have the right to marry. Same-Sex Marriages Gun Control Death Penalty Abortion Conservative View Liberal ViewQuestions Behind IssueIssue Right to choose what to do with one’s body Life can be taken from those who take life. Gun ownership should be more restricted.
Social Security Public Assistance Programs Health Care Environment/ Energy Illegal Immigration IssueQuestions Behind IssueLiberal ViewConservative View Illegal Immigrants should be given the opportunity to become citizens The US government should expand oil operations (drill in the US) “Drill baby Drill” US should provide assistance to those that can not work. The US gov’t should not withhold money from my check. The gov’t should provide some health care for those who can not afford it.
Discuss with your group which topic you would like to learn or share your opinion about. First come first serve. CREATE A POSTER : LIBRARY LAB MONDAY ONLY to create your headings, find picture/cartoons, and type up your opinion. CLASS TIME on TUESDAY ONLY to put it all together. PRESENTATIONS by the whole group ON THURSDAY -Minus 1/3 if you choose not to show up on Monday.
POSTER REQUIREMENTS POSTER TITLE (topic) and definition of the topic. Three Color Maximum, Title 4”, SUBTITLES 3” Text Font 36 pt, Cartoons/Photos 3 x 5 (1/4 or ½ of a full sheet) Explanation of a LIBERAL’s viewpoint QUOTE(s) from a famous liberal on this issue w/Picture of that person Explanation of a CONSERVATIVE’s viewpoint QUOTE(s) from a famous conservative on this issue w/Picture of that person POLITICAL CARTOONS depicting this conflict (extra credit if you can find a liberal cartoon and a conservative cartoon or create your own) Each group member must WRITE A STATEMENT OF YOUR OWN VIEWS on this issue, put your full name after your view.