Division of IT Convergence Engineering Towards Unified Management A Common Approach for Telecommunication and Enterprise Usage Sung-Su Kim, Jae Yoon Chung, Byungchul Park, John Strassner, and James W. Hong Introduction and Motivation Knowledge Representation Equating different syntaxes and semantics describing management data Attaching context to management data through inference Translating semantics between different constituencies QoS and QoE Management for End User Accurate and fast traffic classification method is needed to provide personalized services Modeling of QoS and QoE for dynamic code generation and reconfiguration Monitoring tool for Various Purpose Monitoring of Data Center Network (DCN) Traffic classification for FI applications Traffic Classification by Similarity Analysis Compared different metrics Jaccard Similarity: Cosine Similarity: The Gaussian Radial Basis Function: Each provides improved accuracy with low complexity Discussion and Future Research A New Architecture is Need to Manage FI and DCNs We will extend FOCALE, which is an autonomic distributed management architecture Uses models and ontologies to learn and reason about facts discovered to make context-aware decisions Applies Beyond the Network to, for Example, DCN Both Require Better Understanding of Data and Patterns of Data Research on traffic classification to manage QoS and QoE of end-user Research on future management node architecture, protocols, and semantic interoperability Next generation networks and the future Internet are gaining increasing importance New era of cloud computing expands the enterprise Current Network Management Different views between enterprise and telecommunication provider We Need Unified Management for the Future Internet and for Data Center Networks (DCNs) Management of Emerging Networks and Services Management Challenges New Network Management Architecture QoE Modeling Based on DEN-ng Definition of Quality of Experience (QoE): The quality perceived by end user QoETrafficAddingService : Introduction of additional traffic to an existing session (e.g., a FEC encoder ) QoETrafficModifyingService: Modification of the actual payload of packets (e.g., a video transcoder) QoETrafficStoreAndForwardService: Alteration of future sessions based on information about the current session (e.g., a caching mechanism) DCN Measurement Understanding Data Center’s Behavior is Indispensable for Managing Large Clusters Conclusions and Applicability for Management Autonomic management of networks and DCNs Autonomic Management Element of The FI Functions of Autonomic Management Element Server Distributed File System Distributed Execution Engine Scripting Language High-level Scripting Language: writing distributed jobs Distributed execution, fault- tolerance, job scheduling Naming, storage Physical resources Core Framework Services AE Component Services Knowledge Management and Query Services Business-Enabled Services External Portal Services Security Services Generic Application Services Composition Services Management Services Orchestration Services Routing Knowledge = Metadata + node id Cached Data List of routing knowledge To organize the routing table and cache store