Teaching Irony Oh, the irony!
What do the following slides have in common?
The police chief is arrested for robbing the bank
The sign in front of the school has the word “school” misspelled
They are ironic! VerbalSituationalDramatic
Verbal irony A writer or speaker says one thing but really means something different. You fail your science test, and your friend tells you, “Great job, genius!” Your friend drops a stack of books, and you say, “Wow, you are so graceful!” You hate your friend’s new haircut, but when you see him, you say, “I love your new haircut. It looks great.”
Situational irony What actually happens is the opposite of what is expected An English teacher is a terrible speler A fire house burns A cop is arrested for stealing
Ironic Cartoons The link will take to you a series of cartoons that contain cartoons with verbal irony # #
Dramatic irony The reader or audience knows something a character does not know Have you ever seen a horror movie that has a killer on the loose? You, and the rest of the audience, know that the teenagers should not go walking in the woods late at night, but they think a midnight stroll would be romantic. Needless to say, the teens become the next victims.
Ironic Cartoons The link will take to you a series of cartoons that contain cartoons with verbal irony
Time to practice Match the statement with the type of irony A.When watching a talk show, the audience knows why a person has been brought on the show. However, the person sitting in a chair does not know that he is going to be reunited with a former lover. This adds to the suspense and humor of the show. B.You stay up all night studying for a test. When you go to class, you discover the test is not until the next day. C.You are arguing with your mother, who reprimands you for being "smart." Your reply is a sarcastic, "If you think I am smart, then why won't you let me make some smart decisions?” Verbal, Dramatic, Situational
Answers ADramatic B Situational CVerbal
Great stories to teach irony “The Sniper” by Liam O’Flaherty “The Open Window” by Saki “The Interlopers” by Saki “The Gift of The Magi” by O’Henry “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin “The Cask of Amontillado” By Edgar Allan Poe
Credits Hot Iron MikeNeilson ironing board saved from rust PrettyCoolShopshttp:// els/ / els/ /