EQ: How is a lesson created and taught?
Bell Ringer: Copy chart below and write what you think the purpose of each component of a lesson is Bell ringerLessonExit slip Purpose Examples
Bell ringer purpose Introduce lesson/topic Foreshadow learning OR Access background knowledge Everyone should be able to write something
Lesson/Activity Purpose (must have at least 2 activities) Teach content (facts about your conflict) Teach skills ( map/chart/graph analysis, main idea, author’s purpose, supporting details, meaning of words, sequence, cause-effect, compare-contrast, generalizations) Engage the class (make it interesting and fun)
Exit slip Assess learning
Think-pair share Individually: Fill in 3 examples for BR and lesson and 1 example for exit slip Talk to your partner and add 1 to each column Talk to your group and add at least 1 more to each column Brainstorm more ideas as a group and add to lists
Bell ringer (all BR must relate to content) Lesson (you should have a combination of activities-not just one) Exit slip Map analysis Picture analysis Chart/graph analysis Political cartoon analysis Open ended opinion Song analysis Quote analysis Short reading Short video Power point notes/lecture (no more than 10 minutes) Reading with annotation, questions or activity Video clips with questions (no more than 10 min) Debate Agree/disagree Write a letter Perform a skit Write a song Write an interview Write a children’s book Create a storyboard/drawing Case study analysis Think-pair- share Gallery walk of readings/political cartoons/photos, etc Game Mini-quiz Reflection question Summary paragraph Picture/sketch summary (3 things learned, 2 things found interesting, 1 question still have)
How is the lesson created? First-decide what you want the class to learn. Choose the main ideas of your conflict. What do you want the students to walk away with at the end of the lesson? Look for lesson friendly resources on your topic Decide how you will teach the content Decide what skills you will incorporate Decide how you will make it fun! Decide how you will assess learning at the end
Essential question- what is the class learning? You must have an essential question for the class to write in their table of contents