AlphaSmart 3000 Presented by: Christina Cornell
AlphaSmart 3000 The AlphaSmart is easy to use, portable, and affordable. It enables you to type, edit, and store text. It also also has keyboarding lessons built into it so that users can learn keyboarding skills.
Simple to Use The AlphaSmart is very simple to use. All you have to do if you want to type something is turn it on. There are eight files to save documents in on the AlphaSmart. The user opens a file and types their information in it and can, simply, turn the AlphaSmart off. Their information will automatically be saved when typing.
Versatile The AlphaSmart can hold up to 100 pages of text in its memory. It has spell checker, cut, copy, paste, and many other common typing tools available on it. The AlphaSmart also has features for people with special needs.
Special Education Needs The AlphaSmart has 4 alternate keyboarding layouts for special needs students. These can be adjusted as needed. The Standard keyboard The Dvorak keyboard - for faster typing The right one-handed keyboard The left one-handed keyboard
Portable The AlphaSmart 3000 is lightweight, only 2 pounds. It is portable. It is powered by 3 AA batteries that can last through up to 700 hours of use. It is also very durable. The AlphaSmart is made out of the same material that football helmets are made out of. It can be dropped on a hard surface and not be harmed (not that this is recommended).
Sending Text to a Computer You can attach your AlphaSmart to a PC or Macintosh The AlphaSmart automatically changes modes for PC or Macintosh to prepare to transfer data to the computer.
Sending Text to a Computer Students can type an assignment on their AlphaSmart, then they can transfer that information to your computer for the teacher to grade or print. Information can be transferred in two ways. 1. By attaching the AlphaSmart to your computer using a USB port. 2. By using infrared. This can only be used if you have a built-in IR transceiver in your computer.
Sending Text to a Computer Transferring a document to a computer using infrared is easy. Point the AlphaSmart towards the computer’s infrared transceiver and press the send key. The text will be transferred to the document or file that is open on the computer.
Sending Text to a Printer To send the text from the AlphaSmart to a printer using infrared, the printer must have an infrared transceiver. All you have to do is tilt the AlphaSmart toward the printer (within three feet) and press the print key on the AlphaSmart.
Teacher Tools for AlphaSmart If you have a class set of AlphaSmarts they can be plugged into a portable cart. This cart can charge all the AlphaSmarts when the cart is plugged in. The teacher can connect the cart full of AlphaSmarts to their computer using a USB cable, and access several different tools.
This will allow the teacher to see which AlphaSmarts are connected to the cart and which ones are not.
Teaching Keyboarding on the AlphaSmart The AlphaSmart is equipped with keyboarding lessons. The AlphaSmart will take a student through keyboarding lessons and practice sessions to learn all the alphabet and number keys.
Teaching Keyboarding on the AlphaSmart To access the keyboarding lessons: 1. Turn the AlphaSmart on. 2. Press the Applets key. 3. Select “Keywords.” 4. Select your name, or this is where either the teacher or student can add a user. 5. Type the user’s password. 6. Then select the lesson you would like to learn.
For Additional Information or questions regarding the AlphaSmarts please go to: To request an evaluation of the AlphaSmart, please Or call
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