My days at woodland hills Jr. high By: Marlon Austin
1 st period-Math Mr. Brown 1.Learned proportions. 2.Geometry 3.Change decimals into fractions.
2 nd period-Science Miss Bryan 1.Learned about different types of genetics 2.Also about electrons and different types of atom. 3.Negative and positive atoms.
3 rd period-Reading Erickson 1.definitions 2.reading tips 3.vocabulary words
4 th period-English Miss Boswell 1.pssa preparation 2.coma rules 3. Read out of books
5 th period-Keyboarding and Computer Mr. PTASZKIEWCZ 1.We learn the cousin keys. 2.We learn typing with numbers. 3.Also we learn shift.
6 th period-Lunch STAFF 1. we eat nachos 2.Also pizza 3.And occasionally tacos
7 th period-Art Miss Miller 1.We learn about clay pottery. 2.Also how to make clay tissue boxes 3.And how to draw people.
8 th period-(day A) Swimming Miss kress 1.We learn buoyancy tests 2.Back stroke 3.Front stroke
8th period-(Day B) Math workshop Miss Romanoff 1.We learn about improper fractions 2.Number lines 3.Also about jobs dealing with math
9 th period-World history Miss Wirth 1.We learn about martin Luther king 2.The middle ages 3.Also about castles
The End Thanks for watching have a nice day