How does pollution affect human health? How can we detect pollution & its impact on environmental health?
Ecology is the study of interaction between organisms & their environments. People depend on the Earth’s hydrosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere and biosphere for many needs. When these resources become polluted, they affect our health.
1. Everything is related to everything else. 2. Everything must go somewhere. Nothing can really be thrown away.
3. Nature knows best. Humans must live in harmony with the earth. Resources removed from anywhere are not free & need to be returned at some point in time either by nature or human activity.
Nonpoint source pollutants (NPS) are carried far from their source. Common NPS: fertilizers, pesticides, oil grease, pet wastes, livestock wastes
Point source pollutants (PS) are contaminates that are coming from an identifiable source. Examples: factory pipes, slaughterhouses, domestic sewage & factory smokestacks
Even though water may be clear it is not necessarily clean. In most countries, households use water that is treated to remove dangerous pollutants. Some pollutants still enter fresh bodies of water that are used by humans.
1. Common water pollutants are sediment & nutrients. These substances wash into the water from farmland, construction sites & other areas where the ground has been disturbed.
2. Other pollutants enter the water directly. Effluent : waste water from factories & refineries that released pollutants directly into water supplies.
b. Sewage: is a type of effluent waste. Sewage contains human waste & other household wastewater. Most sewage is treated at a plant to remove the dirt, organic matter & other contaminants.
Eighty percent of US sewage is treated; another 10% passes through septic tanks before it is allowed to seep into the ground; another 10% is untreated & passes directly into the ground.
c. Sludge: is a sediment of sewage. Once it was untreated, however, today sludge is dried and maybe composted to be used as fertilizer for crops or forests.
1. Lead can leak into the water from pipes & cause brain damage. 2. Hydrogen sulfide is a gas that comes from industrial waste & gives water a rotten egg smell.
3. Radioactive substances can cause some types of cancers.
4. Microbes (very tiny pathogens) that can cause disease. Common disease from microbes living in the water:
Cholera : intestinal infection caused by water contaminated with a bacteria. Cholera symptoms are watery diarrhea & vomiting….leads to dehydration. Cooking foods properly & peeling fruits can prevent cholera. Cholera is treated with antibiotics and rehydration fluids
Dysentery : is an illness caused by several types of bacteria. Symptoms include bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramps and fever.
Dysentery is spread by eating and drinking contaminated foods and water. Antibiotics are used to treat dysentery. Africa & Central America has experienced several epidemics in the past decades.
Malara : is a parasitic disease transmitted by mosquitoes that breed in still bodies of water. Parasite is transmitted to human when bitten.
Malaria symptoms typically include flulike symptoms: headache, fever, and vomiting. If left untreated, malaria can cause death. Most malaria cases occur in the tropical and subtropical regions.
Cryptosporidiosis : is a gastrointestinal disease caused by a protozoa that enters the human body in a cyst form. Cysts are ingested by drinking contaminated water or by eating contaminated food.
Symptoms include diarrhea, nausea, abdominal cramps, weight loss, and sometimes dehydration. Usually lasts days.
Giardiasis : similar to cryptosporidiosis in symptoms and transmission. This is found in PA streams.
However, this illness differs because giardia cysts can be killed by chlorine. Medication can also be prescribed to kill the cysts as well.
From , PA reported more waterborne disease outbreaks than any other state. PA drinking water has improved since 1990’s because we have made improvements in the monitoring of the state’s water treatment plants.
Air pollution is a serious problem in many parts of our world that is caused by both natural events & human activities.
Some causes of air pollution are forest fires, lightning, arson, dust storms, burning fossil fuels, industrial processes & driving vehicles.
Industrial processes & driving vehicles are the two main sources of air pollution. They release varies pollutants in the atmosphere.
Air pollutant – is any substance which changes the physical or chemical properties of clean air and causes measurable affects on humans, animals, vegetation or materials.
Air pollution is a very complex subject. It can be caused by natural events like fires, lightning and volcanoes as well as mankind.
Anthropogenic (related to mankind) activities like industries and cars also help to pollute.
Ozone (O 3 ) is a form of oxygen that protects the Earth’s from solar radiation. Ozone that is very close to the surface can cause illness including eye irritation, coughing, shortness of breath, nausea, wheezing & headaches.
Ozone has been associated with asthma & respiratory disease.
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless and odorless gas that forms from the burning of fossil fuels. Very small amounts of this gas in the bloodstream can produce toxic chemical reactions that results in serious illness.
Symptoms of low-level carbon monoxide exposure include headaches, fatigue and flu-like symptoms.
Sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) is a pollute that is a result of burning coal. This gas combines with moisture in the air to form sulfuric acid which damages plants and harms organisms.
Health problems associated with SO 2 include difficulty breathing, respiratory illness, decreased lung functions & aggravation of existing heart disease.
Nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) is present in smog and forms when fuels are burned. Smog causes eye irritation, stuffy nose, coughing, sore throat, lung inflammation & various human respiratory illnesses.
. Smog levels are monitored and conditions are reported.
Particulate Matter are solid particles in the air. Particulate matter comes from soil and construction dust carried by wind as well as bits of rubber, asbestos from brake lining and vehicle exhaust.
Particulate matter causes irritation and illnesses of the human respiratory system and some kinds of cancer.
Clean Air Act – 1963, 1970, revised in 1990 Covers the entire country but the state and local governments are responsible for implementing the law.
EPA also formed in (December 2, 1970) html html
Act was made stronger because a cloud of industrial pollution hovered over Donora, PA for 5 days. Twenty people were killed and 6,000 out of the town’s 14, 000 were sick.
Allergies & asthma are the respiratory disease most triggered by air pollutants.
Air Quality index looks at five major pollutants. Ground level Ozone* Particulate Pollution* Carbon monoxide Sulfur dioxide Nitrogen dioxide * Greatest health threat
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Many soil pollutes are a result of human activities. Soil pollutions can be caused by farming, landfills, industrial processes, mining and radioactive wastes.
1. Farming: sediment, pesticides, animal wastes & fertilizers 2. Landfills: buried solid wastes can leak into the soil & contaminate it with harmful substances.
3. Industrial Processes: release toxic substances including lead & mercury into the air and water 4. Mining: release acid mine drainage, oil and gas can leak from wells
5. Radioactive: these waste are made by nuclear power plants, hospitals, some industries and research facilities. Two major types of radioactive wastes.
High-level waste(HLW) - highly radioactive and will cause health risks for thousands of years. HLW is used nuclear fuel for power plants. The US Government is responsible to disposing of this type of waste.
Low-level waste (LLW) – is radioactive waste that consist of trash or other materials that have been contaminated by radioactive materials.
This includes contaminated clothes, filters, paper & glass items used in medicine and some radiation gauges. PA is proposing a LLW facility to dispose of these materials.
Americans generate 1.6 million tons of harmful household chemicals
The average home accumulates 100 pounds of hazardous waste over time
The average American household uses about 18 pounds of hazardous waste each year.
Identifying hazardous products Proper storage Proper disposal Alternative cleaners
Hazardous Waste is waste with characteristics that make it harmful to human health and the environment
CORROSIVE Chemical action can burn or destroy living tissue & other material brought into contact
Ignitable, flammable, or combustible Easily set on fire
Explosive Explode when exposed to heat, sudden shock, pressure or certain chemical substances
Toxic Hazardous substance that causes adverse effects to living things or environment
Aerosols Fluorescent Lamps Appliances Mercury Products Batteries Oil & Oil Filters Corrosives Paints Electronics Pesticides & Poisons Flammable Liquids Tires
Inhaling Swallowing
Absorption through skin & eyes Contact from eating, drinking or smoking
1. Skin rashes 2. Itchy or burning eyes & nose 3. Breathing problems 4. Headaches
Gives product description Lists warnings Gives directions for proper use
Less Toxic CautionMild hazard Warningmoderate hazard More Toxic Danger: Poison extremely flammable, corrosive or highly toxic
Why is proper disposal important?
Sometimes the effect of toxic substances is not obvious or immediate.
If you put the hazardous products down the drains or toilet, the wastewater treatment plant may NOT be able to remove the chemicals.
If the chemicals are not removed, they will end up in the nearest waterway. Susquehanna River to the Chesapeake Bay or our drinking water.
Fertilizers & pesticides placed on our lawns seep into the soil or run into the storm drains by rainwater.
Storm water runoff contains not only pesticides but TRASH as well.
Storm drains go directly to the local body of water. Susquehanna River Chesapeake Bay
Identify risk Choose an alternative cleaner
RRead the labels CChoose the least harmful product
Choose low or no VOC (volatile organic compound) option
Buy only what you need.
BBiodegradable NNon-toxic PPlant-based ingredients
Green Seal US EPA Design for the Environment Greenguard
1. pH paper
2. Seismic vibrations – image underground storage tanks
3. Spectometer – monitor metallic hazardous wastes
4. Continuous Emissions Monitoring System(CEMS) – made of several different tools to measure gas & particulate concentrations in the air.
5. CO monitoring system – detect colorless & odorless gas levels
Forest fires and oil spill can pollute the Earth so can other natural events such as El Nino and Volcanic eruption.
A disruption in the relationship between the earth’s hydrosphere & atmosphere Occur about every 4 years
Results in floods, droughts, hurricanes & other severe weather
Normally trade winds blow east to west causing an increase in warm surface water. To replace this water, cold nutrient-rich water rises from the deep ocean.
When El Nino occurs the trade winds are decreased & the nutrient rich water subsides which decrease the food supply & often kills marine organisms.
Volcanic eruptions send gases, ash, and dust high into the atmosphere.
Sulfur oxide will combine with the air and make sulfate aerosols. This cloud will decrease the amount of sunlight & deplete the ozone levels.