National Accessible Reading Assessment Projects (NARAP)
National Accessible Reading Assessment Projects Projects are conducting research and development on accessible reading assessment for students with disabilities that affect reading. The purpose of these projects is to produce research findings and assessment techniques that demonstrate how large-scale assessments of reading proficiency can become more accessible and valid for all students, while also meeting the assessment requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act.
National Accessible Reading Assessment Projects Goals for Project 1.Develop a definition of reading proficiency 2.Research the assessment of reading proficiency 3.Develop research-based principles and guidelines making large-scale reading assessments more accessible for students who have disabilities that affect reading 4.Develop and field trial a prototype reading assessment
National Accessible Reading Assessment Projects Partnership for Accessible Reading Assessments (PARA) Collaboration between the National Center for Educational Outcomes and Dept of Curriculum and Instruction at University of MN, CRESST at UCLA and U of CA at Davis, and Westat Investigate varied obstacles to accessible reading assessments and identify possible solutions Focus on all disabilities that impact reading, particularly: learning disabilities, speech/language impairments, mental retardation, and deafness/hard of hearing
National Accessible Reading Assessment Projects Designing Accessible Reading Assessments (DARA ) Educational Testing Service (ETS) Focus on component approach to assessing reading skills. Primary focus are: –Word Recognition –Reading Fluency –Vocabulary Knowledge –Comprehension Focus on students with learning disabilities
National Accessible Reading Assessment Projects Todays Presentations Goal 1: Defining Reading Proficiency –Results from joint NARAP focus groups (Chris Johnstone) Goal 2: Research –PARA Research (Martha Thurlow) –DARA Research DIF Study (Linda Cook) Differential Boost Study (Fred Cline)