Mrs. Lara Alt Barbara Michaels
Check VISION and Clarity Log in: find my classes by typing lch alt Use Password: altparent On Clarity, you will see: Z= zero (student should still turn in the assignment) X= excused numeric grade us anytime with questions:
Mrs. Alt – Background and Experience UVA – B.A. English VA Tech – M.A. Curriculum and Instruction 11 th year of teaching/5 th at LCHS Adult Night School with LCPS – 5 years Indiana East University: Working on certificate in Composition Studies
Mrs. Michaels – Background and Experience 36 years of teaching Pace University B.A. English Literature Hunter College M.S. Special Education Long Island University M.S. Computer Technology Advanced Certificate of Supervision and Adminstration from City College of NY Banks Street College of Education M.Ed. Administration and Supervision A.A.S in Chemical Dependency
Grading/Clarity Formative – 0 % Homework assignments (5-10 points) Class assignments/journals (5-10 points) Rough drafts (30-50 points) Summative – 100% Projects and presentations (20-50 points) Journals (5-10 points) Quizzes (10-15 points) Tests (30-50 points) Final draft papers (30-50 points total)
English 10 Academic: a typical block Warm up: grammar or vocabulary mini-lesson and/or practice. Literature or writing lesson: Beowulf Group or individual work Whole class discussion Writing and research in computer lab Record homework in agendas
Writing So far: original poem about a detailed memory timed writing as a pre-assessment 1-3 paragraphs about a topic such as: loyalty, courage, leadership, reputation, and generosity
So far: taken a vocabulary quiz worked to understand use of subjects and predicates– quiz Friday Took a reading pretest discussed the hero’s journey to prepare to read Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Future Assignments Persuasive writing: Students will work to understand and analyze essays and print media and learn ways to present an organized argument. Grammar: Parts of Speech, Usage Vocabulary: Commonly Confused words Homework: comprehension questions and journals, grammar and vocabulary practice, note taking using Cornell notes as they read or watch video presentations Beowulf Multimedia projects: students will collaborate to organize and present small research projects that focus on organizing writing and PowerPoint slides