Human Powering of Delray’s Alleys Delray has an unrecognized asset that can separate 4 wheeled transportation from 2 legged transportation. June 24, 2014
Alley map – Delray Core I-95 FEC Railroad Veterans Park Delray has a nearly intact grid of alleys that “shadows” the street grid Alleys
Zoom In Multiple paths North-South Surprisingly complete East-West Many “breaks” in path are public spaces
Delray Alleys Today Permanent off-street storage Stretched to the horizon Overgrown
Delray Alleys Today Improving Efficient Opportunity
What other cities are doing Taos San Francisco Seattle Austin Ferndale Cahuenga Melbourne Glasgow Tokyo
Recognizing and Accommodating Types High density mixed use Low density mixed use Night life district Commercial district Multi-family residential Single family residential
Post Alley, Seattle Results Energized public life Increased interpersonal commerce Conservation of buildings, history Reduced air pollution Enhanced environment – water runoff and plantings Enhanced identity/uniqueness Public space increased by < 50%
Ferndale CA Keys to Success Naming Lighting Planting Paving Opening – walls Sharing Painting Furnishing Endings
Austin TX It doesn’t have to be expensive Delray
We can dream, can’t we? Biking to work Day trip to Lake LoxahatcheeMeeting old friends Cruising to the beach
So, how do we resolve these issues? Delivery trucks and sanitation Limiting hours? Residential safety Preventing, reducing access by undesirables Permeable surface Improving runoff vs cost and maintenance Lighting – FPL as partner? Fund raising Public private partnership? Owner involvement Homeowners associations and Chamber of Commerce Others