Fifth Grade Back to School Night We ask that all students and siblings remain seated next to their parents during the presentation this evening. Thank you!
Teacher Assignments Humanities Teachers Ms. Golden (AM) Mrs. Ries Mrs. Tyler STEM Teachers Mrs. Fischer Ms. Golden (PM) Mrs. Prajzner
Typical Day Schedule 8:45 – 9:25 = Arrival & Homeroom Responsibilities 9:25 – 10:25 = Specials 10:30 – 12:30 = AM Instructional Block 12:30 – 12:50 = Flex Time 12:50 – 1:10 = PM Instructional Block 1:10 – 1:40 = Lunch 1:40 – 1:55 = Recess 2:00 - 3:40 = PM Instructional Block 3:45 = Dismissal
Snack Due to a late lunch, students are allowed to bring in a snack to have after specials during their AM class. Snacks must come from the approved list or they will not be permitted.. If snack becomes an issue for any particular student the privilege will be revoked. Snack List Goldfish crackersfruit snacks pretzelspopcorn string cheeseGraham crackers raisinsgrapes applebanana carrotscelery sticks
1.Reading Mini Lesson 2.Small group instruction/Independent Practice 3.Writer’s Workshop 4.Word Study (with Social Studies curriculum when appropriate) Humanities Block
STEM Block 1. Warm-up/Homework check 2. Group Instruction 3. Closure/Exit Card 4. Science (content will be integrated when appropriate)
Curriculum Updates Integrated Writing program Common Core with increase in rigor New math timelines Focus is College and Career Readiness Real World Application and Problem Solving Increase in Higher Level Thinking Humanities Block STEM Block (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)
MSA Data 95.5% scored Proficient or above in Reading 99.1% scored Proficient or above in Math BASIC ~ 1 PROFICIENT ~ 2 ADVANCED ~ 3
Students Striving for Excellence Turning in all assignments in on time Respecting deadlines Best effort on first attempt Carrying work ethic into all subject areas Communicating with teachers and parents Honor Roll Reward time
What can I do to increase my child’s achievement? §Make my child accountable for their nightly reading and homework assignments §Practice math facts together at home §Maintain communication with teachers §Use the data folder to discuss progress with my child
Graphing Data Pocket folder used to hold recording sheets and student data Means of tracking student progress Form of communication with parents Increases the students’ accountability in the learning process Please sign on a weekly basis – Mondays Inside will contain directions on how and when to clean out the folder One side is for math and one side is for ELA
Out of Class Time Chorus Band Safety Patrol Helper situations Miscellaneous 5 th grade has a variety of privileges that students may earn but only will keep if their academics remain a priority.
Positive Behavior Support Positive Behavior Support is a process for teaching children appropriate behavior and providing the supports necessary to sustain that behavior. §It reduces challenging student behavior through a proactive, positive, and consistent manner across all school settings and improves academic achievement and social competence
Code of Conduct Bus Bathroom Halls Class Cafe.Recess Assemblies Respect Responsibility Ready to Learn
Positive Behavior Rewards Students earn tickets in all parts of the school from any Runnymede staff member Awarded for positive behaviors Students are responsible for keeping track of their own home side tickets which they can periodically “cash-in” for classroom prizes or privileges School side tickets go into a bin to qualify the student for weekly and monthly drawings No sharing of tickets is permitted
5th Grade Consequences for Problem Behavior 1.Warning with Explanation 2.Sticker in Agenda Book Today your child struggled with... Respect ________________ Responsibility ________________ Ready to Learn ________________ 3. Parent Contact through Behavior Referral System
Technology Use Two computer labs Flash drives are permitted but not required Students are independent when typing E-readers not allowed in school
Agenda Book - Homework Policy Homework Monday through Friday Read 20 minutes daily Independent Reading Notebook Word Study Lists (every two weeks) Math practice Make up work or projects at times Students should not be spending more than 50 minutes a night on homework. Please sign each night after student completes the assignments
Carroll County Public Schools recognizes the importance between attendance and academic success. Please contact the school every day your child will not be present for learning. Please make arrangements to obtain missed class work if applicable. Please contact the school nurse or school counselor, if your child’s absence will be more than three days due to illness or emotional concerns. There may be supports available for you and your child. Please provide written documentation (handwritten note sent in with your child, faxed note (fax # ), or as to the reason for the absence upon your child’s return to We look forward to seeing your child every school day. For more information regarding attendance and attendance procedures please see the handout, student handbook, or the Student Services Manual located on the CCPS website – Thank You and have a wonderful School Year! Attendance
Vacation Policy Please try to plan all vacations on non-school days when possible. 1. Send in a note to the principal requesting the absence be coded as an excused absence. 2. While away from school, your child should write daily in journal form, read 20 minutes or more and practice their facts. 3. When the student returns, they must collect any work they missed. 4. Students will have the same amount of days to complete their make-up work that they were absent.
Philadelphia Field Trip Friday, November 2 nd Approximate cost Outside of school hours 6:30 am – 6:00 pm Permission slip Chaperones Volunteer Training
Additional Reminders Please do not bring in birthday treats – we encourage nonfood items Runnymede discourages outside food in cafeteria (bringing in McDonald’s, etc.) No cash will be accepted for books clubs – make checks payable to Scholastic Book Club Remind your child to turn in all parent surveys, emergency cards, paperwork, etc. Conference night sheets went home Wednesday
Communication Notes in agenda book Wednesday folders Our planning time is 9:25 – 10:25 Mrs. Fischer ~ Mrs. Prajzner ~ Mrs. Tyler ~ Ms. Golden ~ Mrs. Ries ~ Mrs. Hensley ~
Thank you very much for coming! Your support is essential for the success of our students. We’re a team whose goal is student achievement. Let’s have a terrific year!