Unit 1 – Improving Productivity Instructions ~ 100 words per box
1.1 Why did you use a computer? What other systems / resources could you have used? I used a computer because it is a lot easier than writing it up by hand and it would save a lot of time but when writing by hand it could take way longer because you hand starts to hurt more than when typing on a computer. With using a computer when it comes to typing things up then to not use a lot of space, you can make the writing smaller and change the colour of the text a lot easier than by hand. I could save it and go back on to it at a later date and I could edit it when I need to change something, I could use a spelling test online when typing my work up, I could keep changing the font size and the colour of the text. When using a computer I can use animations for my work to make it look a lot better, if I didn’t use a computer I would of had to write it out by hand but then I would of needed to make sure my writing was neat otherwise I would have had to start writing over again and also I would have had to do hand drawing and I cant draw so the computer helped a lot because there is a lot of resources I could use to finish my PowerPoint and to be able to use the internet to be able to add in decent pictures of the school, on PowerPoint I can add in some sound to present my work a lot better when using a computer in PowerPoint I can add in videos to make my work look more presentive.
1.2What skills did you need to learn in order to use PowerPoint? The skills I need to learn in order to use PowerPoint are I need to be able to know how to add in videos from the internet, I could do this by using hyperlinks or copy and paste the video or picture I want to put it on my work. These are the skills I have learnt to be able to use PowerPoint to do my work: Changing the font (text, sub heading, main heading), this is important because I need to be able to have different fonts for different parts of my work. Colour (text, background). This is important because it makes the work stand out with big bright colours. Inserting text (slides). This is important because Inserting pictures/graphics. This is important because the parents of the year 6’s know what the students will be learning and what they have to wear for the school uniform. Saving (the work that was done in the lesson). Hyperlinks (to other slides). This is important because the hyperlinks that are being used is to go to other slides also I could hyperlink to a website but have to make sure it works Insert tables, graphs, charts. This is important because then I can have different types of ways to add text in about that subject. master slide: this is important because it helps you having the layout instead of doing it slide by slide.
1.2What resources did you need to make the presentation successful? The resources I needed to make the presentation successful are: Presentation package E.G. PowerPoint. Pictures from the internet (school website). This gives the audience who are looking at the work something to look at instead of just the words. Hyperlinks (videos, pictures, webpages and charts). This gives the audience a quick response to get to other slides. Sound package (the bell) Using sound affects makes the audience to know what the sound of the bell is for this school and to be able to get a close hearing of it before they go there. master slide (the layout) this is good to start the layout because then it is easier instead of doing it slide by slide, with using master slide you only have to do one slide then it would go on to all the other slides and then the layout is done.
1.4What factors might have affected how well you completed the presentation? (e.g. time / attendance / knowledge of software) The factors that might have affected how well you completed the presentation are: Distractions: when I was doing my presentation there were distractions in the classroom and I could hardly focus but I got on my work and asked the teachers for help and also when I completed it I moved straight on to the next unit. Attendance: when completing my presentation I was in every lesson to complete it and make sure it was all finished to send off to the exam board. Lateness: I was never late to this lesson when doing my presentation and when I got into lesson I logged straight on and got on with my work. Focus: I was always focused in this lesson and when I finished my work I had to send it off to the exam board and I had to complete a review sheet as well that I had to also upload to the exam board. Knowledge of software: the knowledge of the software I know really well because I know how to edit in videos and edit in sound and edit hyperlinks to other slides and to web pages.
1.6Why did you use PowerPoint to make your presentation? What other software was available? Why did you choose not to use them? I chose to use PowerPoint to make my presentation because I could add in videos on my work where ever I wanted to, I chose to put the video on the first slide and the English slide, the reason I didn’t do it on the maths and science slide is because I didn’t have enough space to put it on, I also chose to use PowerPoint to complete my work because I could add in sounds and pictures to make my work more effective. The options that was available as a software was: Publisher: Publisher would be good because I could use different backgrounds and different fonts and sizes for the writing that I put on the pages. word: word would be good but also I don’t think it would be that affective towards my work because the pictures would go all over the place and it would mess up the work and the text wouldn’t be as affective as using PowerPoint and Publisher. Using PowerPoint was good to use because there was loads of different fonts, sizes, backgrounds that I could of used to do my work.
2.2Which tools within PowerPoint made it appropriate for your presentation? the tools that made my presentation appropriate are: Insert tool – I used this tool so that I could insert images, sounds and videos so that when I was making my presentation that using this tool it would make my presentation look interesting and to give the audience (year 6 parents) an Idea of what the school is like. Master slide tool – I have used this tool because it is easier to use than doing the layout slide by slide, this tool is helpful because when doing one slide then it would do all the slides at once. Hyperlink tool – I used this tool because instead of adding every little bit of information on that slide I can make another slide about it and hyperlink it to that also I could use this tool to get to web pages from the presentation, this tool is helpful for completing presentations because it helps you to get to slides and webpages and with hyperlinking it to the webpage then you don’t have to go on to the internet and type in what you want to search you can just click on the hyperlink and it would send you straight to that page.
1.7Were there any legal constraints or local constraints that changed the way you created your presentation? (e.g. copyright, file sizes, AUP) I may have been breaking copyright because I didn’t permission to use the videos and the teacher gave me permission to be able to use these, they were on the school website so I assumed that I could use them, I didn’t check with anyone else apart from my ICT teacher to use the pictures and videos and the sounds. I should of double- checked that I can use them instead of just taking them off the website. I feel if I didn’t take them from the website then my work wouldn’t of been good it would have been boring and no one wouldn’t of wanted to read it. The videos pictures and sounds I used were in the shared area free for anyone to use so I did.
2.4What improvements do you think you could do to your presentation? To improve my presentation I could have: I could of added more information but it wouldn’t of all fit on the page therefore I would of needed to make the writing smaller and then people wouldn’t be able to read it I could of added in more videos but it depended on the size of the videos because otherwise I wouldn’t be able to put them in my work and use them to show the audience what the school is like and what the lessons are like. Another reason why I couldn’t added in more videos is for the audience of year 6 parents to get an idea of what the head teachers are like and what they have to say about the college and is it a good school and also it is for them to get an idea of the students and what they have to say about the school. I could of inserted more tables to show the GSCE grades throughout the years of the school pupils and what levels/ grades they were working at. The tables I would of used is graphs that show all of the data of the GCSE’S of the students at this school. I could of added in more photos that are showing the school E.G. English lessons, maths lessons, science lessons. I could of also used suitable pictures that represent the school. I could of added in more sounds – this would make my work better because then it wouldn’t be boring with no sound, with using sound it could actually have the bell sound of the school so then when the new year 7’s come up to secondary then they know the sound of the bell for when it is next lesson or when it is break or lunch or the end of the day. I could of added in more animations, to make the parents of year 6’s to want to carry on going through the Power Point. More animations would of got my work at a higher standard because it makes my work stand out, also if I had to do this presentation again then I would definitely add in more animations because if it made the parents of year 6’s want to read on then it would make them do it again.
3.2What improvements do you think you could have done to improve your work rate? (keyboard shortcuts, file names & locations, backups, work after school, templates, planning) To improve my work rate the improvements I could of done is: I could of come back after school to get the pictures and videos and sounds that I needed to complete my work, and when doing this it would of saved time in the lesson so I could get on with the information that needed to be done. I could of done more planning to be able to structure my work more and this would of helped because then I would of known what I was going to put on my work and where I was going to put it. I could of put my planning and presentation in the same folder so then when I needed it I would know exactly where it was and that I didn’t have to go to different folders to find my work. I could of come back after school to catch up and to find the information about the school that I needed. I could of also used keyboard shortcuts because I was using the mouse to copy and paste all of my work and that took up a lot of time, instead of using the mouse to copy and paste I could of used the keyboard to copy and paste it which is Ctrl C and Ctrl V.