Operational Issues vs The Environment A Pilots Perspective By Jason Robinson Base Captain Thomas Cook Airlines
Can an efficient, safe operation also be an environmentally sound operation? The most efficient operators utilise the most modern technology, burning the least fuel, and generating the least noise. A safe operation is paramount. Charter and low cost operators represent the most environmentally conscious way to travel since they operate their aircraft at close to full capacity. The 2 can go hand in hand.
Noise vs fuel burn An impossible conundrum? Aircraft must take-off using flap, and then clean up at approx Thrust reduction then occurs resulting in a decrease in noise to surrounding areas. The resulting clean aircraft can then accelerate and has a lower fuel burn. It is important to achieve a happy medium between the two.
Constant Climb/Constant Descent Flight Profiles Most efficient way of operating. Constant climb = reaches cruise level quickest. Constant descent = flight idle from top of descent to approx 6nm finals. Impeding factors. Current work in progress. Some interesting facts.
Initiatives currently underway at Thomas Cook Airlines New multi airframe order for more fuel efficient aircraft. Fitting of fuel efficient winglets wherever possible. Annual Pilot Development Forum to increase pilot fuel awareness. Dedicated fuel efficiency working group. Collaboration between MAG/ Airlines/ Eurocontrol.