Metrobus 30s Line Study Improving Your Customer’s Transit Experience Virginia Transit Association May 20,
The 30s and M6 Metrobus Lines and DC Circulator Service 2 The purpose of the study is to improve the performance of these bus services
Study Process 3 January/FebruaryNovember/DecemberOctoberSeptemberAugustJune / July Identify Issues and Concerns Regarding 30s & M6 Line Evaluation of Concepts We are here Public Workshops Rider Survey Public Workshops Public Hearing Service Concept A: Enhance Existing Services Service Concept B: Split the Line with Overlapping Routes Service Concept C: Rapid Bus Service WMATA and DDOT Project Approval Route Analysis Develop Recommended Improvements Service Concept D: System of Coordinated Market- Based Routes Operational Related Concepts Public Meetings
What Will We Be Doing at Today’s Workshop? Review the principles that guided recommendations Comment on draft recommended service, operations, customer communications improvements Discuss next steps 4 Purpose of the meeting is to review the 30s Line project draft recommendations: During the breakout session, be prepared to comment on: How the changes will affect your trip Additions or refinements to the recommendations
5 What We Learned from Participants at the October Public Meetings Vision The 30s Line serves a community that: Is economically vibrant with expectations for continuing growth Includes destinations of national, regional and local importance Has a long tradition of transit service alignment, stops, and connections Represents multiple travel markets inclusive of major activity centers, mixed use corridors and residential neighborhoods Incorporates major District initiatives to accommodate future growth and enhance quality of life Relies on bus and rail transit as a major component of day-to-day life
6 What We Learned from Participants at the October Public Meetings Purpose Improve customer experience on 30s Line Update services and operating plans to sustain good performance Improve reliability and travel times Establish a strategy for implementing recommendations Plan for future demand, new services and to accommodate DC initiatives
7 What We Learned from Participants at the October Public Meetings Overarching Principles 1.Do no harm. Disfranchisement of existing rider access or mobility is not an acceptable trade-off 2.Serve market purposes - ensure that the plan meets the diversity of travel needs 3.Avoid inequity; all areas along the 30s Line merit quality services, 4.Consider the needs of seniors, the disabled and those who do not drive 5.Recommendations must be sustainable and take into account funding constraints 6.Changes/enhancements can be phased in gradually 7.Do something!
Service Recommendations 8 RouteTerminals Local Services 32Southern Avenue Metro and Friendship Heights Metro 36Naylor Road Metro and Friendship Heights Metro Limited-Stop Services 37Friendship Heights Metro and Archives using Massachusetts Avenue and 22 nd /23 rd Street NW 39Naylor Road Metro and Washington Circle Neighborhood Connectors 31Friendship Heights Metro and Washington Circle M5Naylor Road Metro and Eastern Market Metro M6Potomac Avenue Metro and Fairfax Village
Service Recommendations Maintain Local Bus Routes 9 Maintain existing service from Naylor Road and Southern Avenue Metro to Friendship Heights Serves all stops along the route
Adds new limited-stop service in NW and SE that overlaps Downtown and avoids Georgetown congestion Only stops at specially marked stops 10 Service Recommendations Add New Limited-Stop Services
Maintain M6 route in SE and adds new Routes M5 in SE and 31 in NW Serves all stops along route 11 Service Recommendations Existing and New Neighborhood Connectors
Operations Recommendations 12 Highlights Enhanced Service Supervision with supervisors stationed all along the route to track vehicles and communicate with drivers to reduce bunching and improve schedule adherence; Increased Enforcement of Parking Restrictions so no-parking zones aren’t blocked during peak hours; Adjustments to Signal Timing and queue jump lanes at key intersections to improve bus travel times and minimize delay; Explore options for future peak hour Transit Only Lanes along H and I Streets NW and Portions of Wisconsin Ave NW and Pennsylvania Ave SE.
Customer Service and Communications Recommendations 13 Highlights Completion of DC Shelter Program including new shelters and better maintenance Updated Schedules that are easier to read with new information cases where needed Greater use of On Board Announcements when there are major delays, detours, or if buses need to be held back for schedule adherence Improved Safety and Security with enhanced police presence at stops near crime hot-spots Expanded Route Specific Training and information for drivers Establishing and distributing information on standard and recurring Route Detours
Workshop Group Reports 15
How Can I Continue to Participate? Continue to advocate for making changes to the 30s line happen Comment cards Daytime Open House on Wednesday December 12 from 12 pm to 2 pm at WMATA HQ Building Riders Advisory Council on the 2 nd Wednesday of each month at 6pm at WMATA HQ Building (contact WMATA Board Meetings (contact Public Hearings Website : Project Hotline : Participate in post-implementation service reviews and evaluation 16
Next Steps 17
Special Thanks To: Public meeting participants Bus riders that completed the surveys Riders Advisory Council 30s Line bus drivers and supervisors St Columba’s Church, Pennsylvania Ave Baptist Church, and St Francis Xavier Church for providing the space for the public meetings District Department of Transportation staff Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (ANCs) Neighborhood Associations Business Improvement Districts Transit, environmental, and civic organizations WMATA bus operations, customer service/marketing, police, planning, and other staff who participated in this process 18