The Iceberg Anti-sectarian education
Features of Culture Facial expressions Facial expressions Religious beliefs Religious beliefs Religious rituals Religious rituals Importance of time Importance of time Paintings Paintings Values Values Literature Literature
Features of Culture Child-raising beliefs Child-raising beliefs Ideas about leadership Ideas about leadership Gestures Gestures Holiday customs Holiday customs Ideas of fairness Ideas of fairness Ideas of friendship Ideas of friendship
Features of Culture Foods Foods Eating habits Eating habits Understanding about the natural world Understanding about the natural world Concept of self Concept of self Importance of work Importance of work Concept of beauty Concept of beauty
Features of Culture Music Music Styles of dress Styles of dress General world view General world view Concept of personal space Concept of personal space Rules of etiquette Rules of etiquette Housing Housing
Evaluation Does it makes sense to compare culture to an iceberg? Does it makes sense to compare culture to an iceberg? In some cultures people smile at each other even though they may not like that person. In other cultures this kind of smiling may be regarded as insincere. What does this tell you about the visible and invisible features of culture? In some cultures people smile at each other even though they may not like that person. In other cultures this kind of smiling may be regarded as insincere. What does this tell you about the visible and invisible features of culture? Does it help to explain why people from different cultures sometimes misunderstand each other? Does it help to explain why people from different cultures sometimes misunderstand each other?
Peace Harmony Tolerance Respect How can we create cultures of peace, harmony, tolerance and respect? How can we create cultures of peace, harmony, tolerance and respect?