Module 5, Lesson 2 Effective Communication with Co-Workers Nonverbal Communication
Effective Communication with Co-Workers 5 Steps
Make a conscious effort to minimize distractions. Look up from what you’re doing.
Concentrate on the sender. Be attentive. Look directly at the speaker and give feedback. Use all the listening skills you’ve learned.
Listen for ideas. Be prepared to draw conclusions from what you are hearing.
Give verbal feedback. Paraphrase or summarize what you have heard; then allow your co- worker to respond.
Control your emotions. Make a conscious effort to listen, even if the message is unpleasant. Control negative feelings you have toward the sender. Be sure facial expressions communicate understanding, acceptance, or confusion -- not hostility.
Nonverbal Communication Important tool for communicating with co-workers
Space and Territory The importance of personal space is affected by age, gender, status, and culture. Men maintain more distance than women. Age differences usually make differences in personal space needs.
Time Beginning a job promptly indicates competence and implies that you know what to do and how to do it! Being tardy implies incompetence!
Body and Facial Movement Body movements may convey a number of different messages. Facial expressions may convey more than your verbal message.
Voice Research states that 93% of your attitude, as perceived by others, is conveyed by your tone of voice and its intensity.
Physical Appearance The initial visual impression influences a co- worker’s interest and willingness to communicate with you.
Touch Touch expresses sympathy, solidarity, or friendship. Touch can be misinterpreted depending on how well the communicators know one another and circumstances surrounding the message.
Effective Communication with Co-Workers/ Nonverbal Communication