U U nderstand the need for being safe in the cyber community - just like your physical community. U U nderstand how predators typically approach kids and teens online. U U nderstand the importance of refusing inappropriate advances. K K now how to Report suspicious activities that you encounter on the Internet. TODAY’S GOALS
What do you do online? How many of you access the Internet? Research Instant messaging Chatting
Why do you go to the Internet to meet people? just to talk ? bored ? lonely ? to meet people ? ? ? Do you really want to be talking to adults?
The scary thing is…you could be talking to someone who’s Many people use the Internet illegally. 50 NOT 15
We call them Internet Predators lie to strike up friendships and relationships that are deceiving. PREDATORS
What is a predator ? A predator is someone who victimizes somebody else. A predator uses lies, secrecy or stealth to get close enough to another to harm them.
What is Prey? Prey is the victim of a predator An Internet predator preys on online users!
Chat! Instant Message Online predators do the same things that you do online! Surf the Net
So, how does a predator gain He or she slowly Grooms You… YOUR TRUST ?
How does a predator trick you into believing they are your friend? How does a predator trick you into believing they are your friend? S.I.T.S S IMILAR I NTERESTS T RUST S ECRECY
TRUST: They make you think that you can tell them anything; when you talk about problems they always take your side TRUST: They make you think that you can tell them anything; when you talk about problems they always take your side. SIMILAR INTERESTS : They tell you that they like the same things that you like SIMILAR INTERESTS : They tell you that they like the same things that you like. SECRECY: You can tell them secrets. And, they may tell you to keep your friendship secret because no one else will understand. S.I.T.S
Netsmartz –” Friend or Fake”: v=y4nyluaXoFY v=y4nyluaXoFY
DANGER! An Online Predator Will LIE To You To Gain Your TRUST! They might tell you they will treat you better than your family. An adult tells you he or she will buy things for you. A predator may tell you he or she loves you.
THEN WHAT? Predators might send you pictures that make you feel uncomfortable and then tell you that it is okay to look at them. They may even tell you that they are going to tell your parents, or that they know where you live and are going to hurt you or your family if you tell anyone about them. But no matter what they say or do THEY WILL ALWAYS WANT TO MEET YOU!
Becoming your new BEST friend. A Predator will groom you by: But, don’t be fooled! These are just LIES! Pretending to like the same things. Pretending to share your interests. Telling you they truly care about you. Always taking your side. LET’S RECAP!
The FBI has a special task force to find Internet predators. Victims are typically in their early to mid teens. BOTH GIRLS and BOYS ARE TARGETS! 1 in 5 U.S. teenagers say they have received an unwanted sexual solicitation online. That makes YOU at RISK!