Ingeborg Verheul Research & Development Division/Digital Preservation Department Koninklijke Bibliotheek 32 nd Conference of Dirctors of National Libraries – 17 August Oslo ICABS Ongoing Activities and Future Plans
Koninklijke Bibliotheek – National Library of the Netherlands ICABS-ongoing activities and future plans IFLA-CDNL Alliance for Bibliographic Standards History Constitution Objectives Current Activities Session
Koninklijke Bibliotheek – National Library of the Netherlands ICABS-ongoing activities and future plans Participating Libraries
Koninklijke Bibliotheek – National Library of the Netherlands ICABS-ongoing activities and future plans Incorporation of: UBCIM (Universal Bibliographic Control and International Marc) UDT (Universal Dataflow and Telecommunications) CDI (Committee on Digital Issues) ICABS
Koninklijke Bibliotheek – National Library of the Netherlands ICABS-ongoing activities and future plans Responsibilities The British Library: FRBR and FRANAR Die Deutsche Bibliothek: ISBD and VIAF Koninklijke Bibliotheek: Long term archiving of digital resources Library of Congress: MARC 21; XML; Z39.50; ZING; VIAF; persistent identifiers National Library of Australia: Web harvesting and Commonwealth Metadata Pilot Project Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal: UNIMARC IFLA: ICBC
Koninklijke Bibliotheek – National Library of the Netherlands ICABS-ongoing activities and future plans Current Activities February – July 2005 FRBR Workshop in 21 st Century Cataloguing, May 2005 Survey of Library Management System Vendors Presentation SINTO Meeting FRBR Umbrella Conference, June 2005 Franar Report on Functional Requirements for Authority Records for Review till October 2005 MARBI Participation VIAF Cooperative: matching & merging LCNA + PND records Cut & Paste version of current ISBDs for Consolidation. ISBD Study Group Meeting, Frankfurt, April Two publications on ICABS. ICABS Session Deutsche Bibliotekartage, March MODS Version 3.1 draft published, July 2005 Version 1.0 of XML MADS posted on Website & draft mapping Marc 21 autority data to MADS out for comments on MODS ListServe Preparing ISO Standard MARC X exchange MARC 21 proposals for 2005 format changes. MARC 21 documentation from SGML to XMLWeb Publication 2 guidelines Understanding SRU is simple & Implementing SRU is simpleTranslation of MARC format in Arabic, Persian and Bulgarian Meeting on SRU/SRW Infromation Retrieval Protocols, June Publication PREMIS Metadata Report, May 2005 LoC official home & maintenance center of PREMIS Metadata Planning a METS Opening Day in Canada in October Tutorial METS Overview translated in Italian ApprovingMETS Profiles for Audio Compact Disks URI Resource Page updated XINQ to enable automatic production of access interfaces for archived databases made available as open source on SourceForge Development Use Cases for a curator Tool Modifying PADI to incorporate information overview approaches archiving webbased organisations Review of Standards and international approaches to metadata creation for web resources NLA report on existing guidance dcouments Plans for cooperation on testing emulation tools and risk alert systems 16 th Meeting of the Permanent UNIMARC Committee, March 2005 Maintenance and update of UNIMARC formats UNIMARC Forum and UNIMARC Registry: preparing site for working space PUC Organisation UNIMARC Session in Oslo Preparing International Conference UNIMARC and Friends KB report on emerging standards in digital preservation
Koninklijke Bibliotheek – National Library of the Netherlands ICABS-ongoing activities and future plans Two ICABS Surveys
Koninklijke Bibliotheek – National Library of the Netherlands ICABS-ongoing activities and future plans KB Survey- Analysis of: Legal deposit legislation Organisational embedding Funding Digital repository (Status; Services; Software; Material; Metadata & Metadataschemes; Access) Current and future preservation strategies National and international current activities
Koninklijke Bibliotheek – National Library of the Netherlands ICABS-ongoing activities and future plans Building Networks in Digital Preservation Australia New Zealand Japan China Sweden Denmark UK Germany Austria Switzerland USA Canada France The NetherlandsPortugal
Koninklijke Bibliotheek – National Library of the Netherlands ICABS-ongoing activities and future plans Program Maintaining Access to Digital Preservation NLA: Getting Started: what needs to be in place to maintain access to digital collections LoC: Preservation Metadata Standards for Digital Resources: what we have and what we need KB: Emerging Standards in digital preservation DDB: Nestor and kopal: two national initatives to ensure long- term accessibility of digital documents in Germany BL: Collaborating in archiving in the UK BnF: Web archives long term access and interoperability: the IIPC activity Tuesday 18 th August am Folkets Hus – Hall A
Koninklijke Bibliotheek – National Library of the Netherlands ICABS-ongoing activities and future plans Thank you for your attention ICABS: