World War One
Simpson and his Donkey Simpson’s real name is John Simpson Kirkpatrick. Simpson was one of the first Anzacs to land on Gallipoli. When Simpson found a stray donkey he realised it would come in handy. Simpson’s real name is John Simpson Kirkpatrick. Simpson was one of the first Anzacs to land on Gallipoli. When Simpson found a stray donkey he realised it would come in handy. On 19 May 1915, Simpson was struck by machine gun fire and died. On 19 May 1915, Simpson was struck by machine gun fire and died.
The 3 Famous Battles The Nek Chunuk Bair Lone Pine
Anzacs in Egypt training The Anzacs left New Zealand and sailed to Egypt to train of the pyramids for five months. The Anzacs left New Zealand and sailed to Egypt to train of the pyramids for five months. These were the 30,000 soldiers who sailed for war in October 1914 when 8417 New Zealanders on their 10 transport ships joined with the 20,000 Australians at Albany in Western Australia and sailed for Egypt. These were the 30,000 soldiers who sailed for war in October 1914 when 8417 New Zealanders on their 10 transport ships joined with the 20,000 Australians at Albany in Western Australia and sailed for Egypt.
What does A.N.Z.A.C stand for? A.N.Z.A.C stands for: A.N.Z.A.C stands for: A ustralia A ustralia N ew N ew Z ealand Z ealand A rmy A rmy C orps C orps
At Gallipoli On the 25 th of April landing at Gallipoli, at what is now called “Anzac cove”. The landing at Anzac cove was part of the invasion of the Gallipoli Peninsula by Australian and New Zealand forces on 25 April The purpose of the invasion was to overtake the Ottoman forts that controlled the passage of the Dardanelles Straits. The Anzacs landed on the wrong beach with steep high cliffs. The Turkish soldiers were at the top of the cliffs firing down at the Anzacs. The Anzacs dug trenches, to try and survive. On the 25 th of April landing at Gallipoli, at what is now called “Anzac cove”. The landing at Anzac cove was part of the invasion of the Gallipoli Peninsula by Australian and New Zealand forces on 25 April The purpose of the invasion was to overtake the Ottoman forts that controlled the passage of the Dardanelles Straits. The Anzacs landed on the wrong beach with steep high cliffs. The Turkish soldiers were at the top of the cliffs firing down at the Anzacs. The Anzacs dug trenches, to try and survive.
In Flanders Fields First Verse First Verse In Flanders Field the poppies blow In Flanders Field the poppies blow Between the crosses row on row That mark our place and in the sky The larks still; bravely, singing fly Scarce heard amid the guns below
Continuing Flanders Field Second verse and third. We are dead short days ago We lived, felt dawn saw sunset glow Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders Field Take up the quarrel with the foe; To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold high If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep though poppies grow In Flanders Fields In Flanders Fields
Anzacs leaving N.Z The men thought it was going to be off on a great adventure. They thought they were sailing to Great Britain, and then to fight against the Germans in France. Many of them had been born in Britain and thought they would have a chance to see their old friends and family while they were there. The men thought it was going to be off on a great adventure. They thought they were sailing to Great Britain, and then to fight against the Germans in France. Many of them had been born in Britain and thought they would have a chance to see their old friends and family while they were there.
The……. The Neutral Countries The Central Powers Germany Switzerland Austria-Hungary Sweden Netherland Ottoman Empire Spain Denmark (Turkey) Norway
The Trenches Lice were always a big problem, breeding in men’s clothes and causing a lot of itching. Lice were always a big problem, breeding in men’s clothes and causing a lot of itching. Most men had to shave their head because in the trenches there were nits.
Evacuation The fighting was on for eight months at Gallipoli and they knew that they weren’t going to win the war. So what they did was sneak out and got all the soldiers onto the boats and sailed off home. To help them get onto the boats the Australians were playing a game of cricket and the Turkish were distracted and thought it was perfectly normal. The fighting was on for eight months at Gallipoli and they knew that they weren’t going to win the war. So what they did was sneak out and got all the soldiers onto the boats and sailed off home. To help them get onto the boats the Australians were playing a game of cricket and the Turkish were distracted and thought it was perfectly normal.
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