The Hobbit Chapter 16 “A Thief in the Night” Important Notes/Focus Points  Value of Heritage and Family  Preparations for Battle  Loyalty and Betrayal.


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Presentation transcript:

The Hobbit Chapter 16 “A Thief in the Night” Important Notes/Focus Points  Value of Heritage and Family  Preparations for Battle  Loyalty and Betrayal (can they be the same?)  Dramatic Irony and Foreshadowing  How does Bilbo try to save his friends through betrayal? “The treasure is likely to be your death, though the dragon is no more!” (290).

7. How do the dwarves spend their time in the mountain? What does Thorin say about the Arkenstone? Dwarves inside the Mountain: -Dwarves spend their days “piling and ordering the treasure” (289). Thorin desires the Arkenstone that belonged to his father: “… is worth more than a river of gold in itself, and to me is beyond price. That stone of all the treasure I name unto myself, and I will be avenged on anyone who finds and withholds it” (289). - Value of wealth and heritage. NOTES: - Dramatic Irony- Bilbo has the Arkenston, secretly hidden. - Arkenstone symbolizes the importance of heritage. Thorin wants it because it connects him to his father and grandfather.

8. What news does Roac bring about Dain? Explain the advice that Roac gives to Thorin; “How shall you be fed without the friendship and goodwill of the lands about you? The treasure is likely to be your death though the dragon is no more” (290). DAIN and his army of dwarves: - Dain, along with an army of 500 dwarves, are within two days march from the mountain. Roac’s Powerful Words of Observation: - The throng may have some provisions to last a couple of weeks, but they are unable to grow and process food inside the mountain. They must depend on the land or trade outside for food in order to survive. How can they depend on the allies that they have turned into enemies? - Roac refers to Thorin’s stubborn greed that is blinding him of all reason. He would rather sit on the treasure and starve than share it. Smaug is no longer the villian, but it is now Thorin’s stubborn greed.

9. Bilbo visits Bard and the Elvenking, what is he hoping to accomplish by doing so? (What is Bilbo’s ultimate GOAL?) What does Bilbo give to Bard? Bilbo gives Bard the Arkenstone! - Bilbo hopes Bard will use it to get Thorin’s attention. Bilbo’s Ultimate Goal:  Bilbo want to save the lives of the throng and restore PEACE among dwarves, men, and elves. NOTES: - Bilbo believes that he must betray Thorin’s trust by withholding the Arkenstone, in order to save the lives of the dwarves. - Bilbo knows that they must rely on allies for survival and fears that the throng will follow Thorin into battle, and ultimately to their death.

10. Bilbo shares and object and information with Bard and the Elvenking before returning to the cave before the dwarves notice his absence. Do you believe Bilbo has betrayed the throng? Explain. STUDENT DISCUSSION: Partner Share Is Bilbo being loyal or is he betraying the throng? What are his reasons for his actions? Could he have communicated with Thorin? Was this Bilbo’s plan all along, since the moment he found the Arkenstone? Could Bilbo use the Arkenstone to reason with Thorin? How will Thorin react to Bilbo’s secret?

11.What unexpected visitor did Bilbo see at the camp? What did he say about Bilbo and what information did he reveal? NOTES: - Gandalf is typically mysterious with his information. - Bilbo feels a sense of security knowing Gandalf is back, and his presence among the men and elves helps Bilbo feel comfortable in his actions. “There is always more about you than anyone expects!” (295). Information Revealed: “Things are drawing towards an end now, unless I am mistaken. There is an unpleasant time just in front of you; but keep your heart up! You may come through all right. There is news brewing that even the ravens have not heard. Good night!” (295).