Monday, Aug. 11 Standard: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion to enhance health. EQ: What characteristics describe a good friend? Opening: Vocabulary Work Session: T-Chart Closing: What is a good friend? Homework: None
Vocabulary Chapter 5 and 6 Relationship Clique Peer pressure Communication Body language Mixed message Active listening Refusal Skills Aggressive Passive social health role Tolerance Family extended family
Friendship Chart Good Friend Bad Friend List 5 characteristics for each category.
Tuesday, Aug.12 Standard: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion to enhance health. EQ: What is the importance of nonverbal communication? Opening Session: Chapter 5 and 6 Power Point Work Session: Nonverbal communication body language charades. Closing Session: Review EQ; what is the importance of nonverbal communication and how can it benefit me? Homework: None.
Nonverbal Communication Charades 1. Surprised 2. Scared 3. Aggravated 4. Annoyed 5. Bored 6. Excited 7. Sad 8. Jealous 9. Confused 10. Angry 1. Happy 2. Frustrated 3. Furious 4. Shy 5. Embarrassed 6. Exhausted 7. Impatient 8. Hopeful 9. Proud 10. Confident
Wednesday, Aug. 13 Standard: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion. Essential Question(s):What is bullying behavior and how can it affect a peer? Opening Session: Bullying Video Work Session: Article "Bullying in Schools" Closing Session: The school policy\ Homework: none.
Thursday, Aug. 14 Standard: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion to enhance health. Essential Question(s):How does peer pressure effect our decision making? Opening Session: Peer pressure Snapshot Power Point. Work Session: character Trait Chart (trust, respect, patience, tolerance) Provide 2 examples in which you can demonstrate each character trait. Closing Session: Share character trait examples Homework: None
Peer Pressure Snap Shot 1
Peer Pressure Snap Shot 2
Peer Pressure Snap Shot 3
Peer Pressure Snap Shot 4
Character Trait 1. Trust 2. Respect 3. Tolerance 4. Patience Directions: For each character trait, provide 2 examples in which you can demonstrate each trait or that trait can be demonstrated towards you.
Friday, Aug. 15 Standard: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion to enhance health. Essential Question(s): Would I consider myself a good friend? Opening Session: Tip-Off Work Session: Quiz Closing Session: Discuss Tip-off and review quiz Homework: Enjoy your weekend!
Tip-Off Support your answer in a minimum of 1 paragraph. Would I consider myself a good friend?