LOOK and remember
The Statue of Liberty
After this lesson, the learners be able to a) listen for specific information b) ask question and answer question c) describe a particular object or thing
sculptor venture assemble pedestal An artist who produces sculptures start to do something To gather as a group The base or foot of a stutue
Engage the student for silent reading I will read out the text to the student as model reading.
Pedestal Torch Book Crown
Designed and built by Bartholdi Gifted to the USA by France Popular subscription done Token of friendship on the US independence centennial Important information of the statue
July 4, 1776 The USA got independence France completed the statue The statue reached the UAS by sea 1886 Unveiling ceremony 2011 Named “liberty enlightening the world”
GROUP 1 ROLL NO. 1,11,21,31 GROUP 4 ROLL NO 4,14,24,34 GROUP 7 ROLL NO 7,17,27,37 GROUP 8 ROLL NO 8,18,28,38 GROUP 5 ROLL NO 5,15,25,35 GROUP 2 ROLL NO 2,12,22,32 GROUP 3 ROLL NO 3,13,23,33 GROUP 6 ROLL NO 6,16,26, 36 GROUP 9 ROLL NO 9,19,29,39 Group 10 10,20,30,40
Statue of LibertyInformation situated artists Gift from Weight Framework Amount of copper used Reason for the gift Presented on Occasion Symbol of Complete the following table with information from the text
COME AND SPEKA ON “ The Picture” Roll12 ROLL16
True or False? A)The statue of Liberty is a gift to French from The USA. False. Correct Answer: The Statue of Liberty is a gift to the USA from French. b) The USA collected popular subscription for the construction of the pedestal. True. c) The Statue was handed over to the USA in True d) The statue reached the UAS by sea. True e) The virtual view of the statue is very boring. False. Correct Answer: The virtual view of the statue is very amazing.
Answer the following questions: a)On what occasion did the French government give the Statue of Liberty to the USA? b) How has new technology made it possible for the people to see the statue anywhere they are? c) What do you understand by the expression “enlightening the world”?
Write a paragraph on “ The National Memorial” highlighting the following clues Designer – location – formation- finance - installation- importance