Thomas More By Hengleap NOU & Anthony DUPRE. Thomas More Born: February 1478 Died: July 1535.


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Presentation transcript:

Thomas More By Hengleap NOU & Anthony DUPRE

Thomas More Born: February 1478 Died: July 1535

I first led eyes upon this world back in The events which followed my birth, I must admit, hold but small importance to me, but for those who study art and favor above all knowledge and history, the events which followed my birth meant more than the meaning of God himself. During my lifetime I’ve been known for many things. Some saw me as a lawyer, others as a social philosopher, an author. But what I would like this world, if it remembers anything of me, is to consider me as nothing more than a Renaissance humanist and one devoted to God. As a youngster, I had the undeniable privilege of studying at the notorious Oxford University and as I can remember, my stay there led me into taking interest in comedies. Hence, the numerous plays I myself have written. But what are plays and comedies if their origins are forgotten? And for that sole question I have taken upon myself the obligation of studying their origins, which inevitably coincide with Greek and Latin, these two ancient tongues which have shaped most of what you dear audience see or hear. Once matured enough, I’ve ventured my whole existence as a loner, until I have made the acquaintance of Eramus, a man whose name shall never be forgotten. I believe the bond between us lasted a whole lifetime and our dear friendship led us to the creation of numerous translations from Latin. The man went further with our friendship and gifted me with a book of his own, a work by the name of Praise of Folly.

But as time catches me, as my youth withered slowly, my desire shifted paths and in 1503 I chose to lead a life devoted to God, I chose to be a monk. Alas, the choice did not last for our ambitious nature and desires cannot cease to evolve. And as my country called my name, I chose to join the parliament in 1504 in service of King Henry VIII. There were and still are speculations of me being the author behind the well- known novel History of King Richard believed to be written between 1513 and Considered to be the first masterpiece of English historiography and despite being unfinished, this work has come to serve as inspiration to many, such as the great William Shakespeare himself. But leave aside doubts and rumors my friends, as I am but the true author behind Utopia, a work which condemns egoism found in Europe and favors communism. I had always been a man devoted to God and my refusal to swear to Henry’s act of succession and the oat of supremacy back in the year of 1534, an act I myself deemed wise in the name of our Lord, is perhaps a choice only a fool would make. That said, King Henry VIII, a man who believed to be higher in ranks than God himself, demanded that I face what he named justice. Beheaded in the year of 1535, much of me is remembered as we speak now. And to bid thee all farewell, the king’s good servant I am but God’s first.

1503 – Chose to become a monk 1504 – Joined the Parliament in service of Henry VIII 1513 ; 1518 – Believed to have written the History of King Richard 1534 – Refused to swear to Henry’s act of succession and oat of supremacy 1535 – Beheaded under Henry VIII’s orders