Natural Law and Ecological Crisis 1. Do you think it is important to recognise that there are limits to the way we should treat ourselves, others and the world? 2.Do you think it is fair to tell people to change their life…eg don’t use air conditioning ban plastic disposable items limit amount of water everyone can use What are humans doing that is destroying the planet? Think of 3 things. How does this show that they are not respecting Natural Law?
Natural Law Homework Look at the following list and consider your strengths/ weaknesses: Tick the ones that apply to you. Cross the ones that don’t. Choose your top 3 and your bottom 3. Write the first paragraph of your essay: – My talents are …(choose one of the 3 top points). Give evidence that shows this is true. (I know this because…) – The skills I find difficult are ….I know this because… – Conclusion: the sort of jobs this might make me suitable for are,,,
Imagine you get a flat-packed bicycle… But instead of assembling it you -Use the wheels for a child’s mobile - the handles for hangers -the pedals and the cog for a pizza cutter - the saddle for a digging tool Have you done any “wrong” to the bicycle? Does it still have its original meaning and purpose? Does that matter? *What if this was a human being you took apart?
Natural Law To define Natural Law To explain how Natural Law helps us to decide about right and wrong To evaluate the importance of Natural Law Natural Law says that there is a “right” way to use your body. Do you think there is? X X X X X X X
1.Explain what “Natural Law” means 2.Draw the human body. Label it with the parts below & explain what they should be used for. **How could we go against the natural law of our bodies? Think of some examples. MIND – think, be creative, imaginative. To be aware of ourselves. MOUTH etc - To eat independently, solid food, a range of food - to communicate with others, building up friendship and co-operation EMOTIONS – to be sensitive to others, love them, be aware of ourselves and experience what living in the world “feels” like SPIRIT – to seek the beautiful, to have hopes and dreams, to look for the good and to love God HANDS – to complete tasks, be skillful, creative, build and make, to feel the world around us SEXUAL ORGANS – to have children through male and female loving sex. Caring for them ourselves: children cared for by the parents who made them. LEGS – to walk upright on land, to explore, to move physically X X X X X X X Natural Law means that we should respect the order in nature. For humans, this means respecting the way our human bodies are made, and how they should be used. We should not just do to our bodies whatever our imagination decides. Anything that goes against who we are as human beings, is wrong.
What should you do, according to Natural Law? Should you get drunk? Take drugs? Should you eat until you are obese, or vomit what you eat? Should you never leave the house? Should you use contraception? Should you pierce your tongue? Should you have a homosexual sex? Should you avoid human relationships? 1.Explain 2 things you should not do, according to Natural Law? According to N.L. you should not…because… 2.Do you think it matters, if you go against natural law? Does it make your life less properly human? **Is Natural Law a useful way of deciding what is right or wrong to do? Why? Is there anything it could not help you to decide?
Is doing these things, evolution or going against Natural Law? Would it make you more, or less human? Taking medication to cancel all feelings and “video-streaming” instead of dreams, so you are undisturbed by them Amputating a limb or organ to replace it with a bionic or animal part eg claws, a tail, jumping legs Choosing to have children by a test tube, not connected to sex or love Improving your genes by mixing them with animal genes
The Church teaches that Natural Law should be followed, because God is the one who created our bodies, to work in the way they are meant to. Using your body, in a way that is not meant to be used, is wrong. What would the Church say about -masturbation? -Homosexuality? -Test tube babies?
So…is Natural Law a good morality? Is your body a good teacher of right or wrong ? My fab body shows me how I should live ! Drugs are wrong Casual sex just for pleasure is wrong Using my gifts and talents is right Loving and communicating with others is right Forgetting God is wrong