Brief introduction: Menicus(372-289 B.C.) styled ZiYu( 子舆 ),or Ziche (子车) Ziju (子居),born in today’s Zoucheng( 邹城 ), Shangdong Province was a great thinker.


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Presentation transcript:

Brief introduction: Menicus( B.C.) styled ZiYu( 子舆 ),or Ziche (子车) Ziju (子居),born in today’s Zoucheng( 邹城 ), Shangdong Province was a great thinker and educator in the Spring and Autumn Period of Lu, regarded as the second sage in the Confucian school. One of the Chinese philosophers have the honour of being known to the Western world by a Latinzed name. Mencius inherited and developed Confucianism and carried it to a new height. His philosophy, together with Confucian’, is known as “the philosophies of Kong Zi and Meng Zi”in the history of Chinese culture.

Book :《 Mencius 》 bearing the master’s name, has recorded the thoughts, sayings, and deeds of this second most important Confucianist. The article in Mencius are of greater length, logical, argumentative and persuasive, covering a variety of subjects, greatly influencing the writing of essays in the dynasties that followed. 《 孟子》有七篇传世:《梁惠王》上下;《公孙丑》上 下;《滕文公》上下;《离娄》上下;《万章》上下; 《告子》上下;《尽心》上下。 其学说出发点为性 善论,提出 “ 仁政 ” 、 “ 王道 ” ,主张德治。

Thoughts of Mencius 1) 民本思想 A people-oriented thoughts Mencius according to the experience of the warring states periods, and summarizes the rule of governing revolution countries rise and fall, and puts forward a rich democratic essence of famous proposition: people for expensive, justice is the second smallest, and king for light mean, people in the first place, the country second, you think how to treat people in this the final problem, a revolution on national rise and fall, with extreme importance.

2 )仁政学说 Mencius inheritance and development of Confucius’ theory of moral ideas, development as the benevolent doctrine, as its political thought core of Mencius political theory, its for the contents of the benevolent springs, its essence is service to the feudal ruling class. the specific content of the benevolent ever extensive, Including economic and political education and unity of the way, which throughout a people--oriented thoughts clues can be summarized as the book according to Mencius: the first close to people with the person with the second third and human rights.

3) 教育思想 : 易子教育 Exchange the son and teach Mencius’s education thought, is no child left behind education thoughts of Confucius inherit and play their education as a benevolent the means of purpose to education and the improvement methods, Mencius every praise highly the son and teach to the traditional method for between father and son because feelings deep, father to son’s education tend not to be lax, for some of the mistakes and wrong with son also because indulgence and arrogant, the correct education unsustainable so. Easy son allow others to teach, which can be a strict requirement, also can maintain the close relationship

Between father and son, don’t hurt feelings. 4) 天人学说 The delight of a gentleman is that he feels no shame as he face Heaven above and the people have below. Those who follow Heaven’s will survive and those who disobey Heaven’s will perish. The best virtue of a gentleman is to do good things for the benefit of it.

Famous remark thus, when heaven is about to confer a great office on any man, it first exercise his mind with suffering, and his sinews and bones with toil, It expose his body to hunger, and subjects him to extreme poverty, It confounds his undertakings. By all those things methods, it Stimulates his minds, hardens his nature, and supplies his incompetence. 《孟子. 告天下》

Expend the respect of the aged in one’s family to that of other families; expend the love of the young ones in one’s family to that of other families. 老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼。 life springs from sorrow and calamity, and death from ease and pleasure. 生于忧患,死于安乐

The people are the most highly valued, next come the gods of the land and grain, the sovereign is light. 民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻。 The benevolent have no enemy. 仁者无敌 Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards. 不规矩无以成方圆

Opportunities vouchsafed by heaven are less important than terrestrial advantages, which in turn are less important than the unity among people. 天时不如地利,地利不如人和。 Men must decide what they will not do, and then they are able to act with vigor in what they ought to do. 人有不为也,而后可以有为。

You can’t have your cake and eat it too. 鱼与熊掌不可兼得。 Friendship with a man is friendship with his virtue. 结交一个人,等于结交他的美德。 When he obtains his desire for power, to practice his principles for the good of the people; and when that desire is disappointed, to practice them alone. 穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下