A SSIGN JOBS IN A C OMPANY Everyone in a company has different responsibilities The amount of responsibility changes when the company is small or large Even though we will have different job titles, everyone will be able to participate in all aspects of the company If the company makes a profit, we all profit
Distribute sample job cards to the class, or to groups in the class. Students use these cards to discuss students’ skills and the jobs that are best for each person in the group A SSIGN JOBS IN A C OMPANY
S OME OF THE JOBS OUR COMPANY WILL NEED TO HAVE ARE : President – The President is responsible to see that the company run well. Vice President – The VP is responsible to watch over all employees and assist if they need anything. VP of Design – Oversees the quality of the finished product, to see that the product is worth the price being set.
S OME OF THE JOBS OUR COMPANY WILL NEED TO HAVE ARE : VP of Manufacturing – Makes sure the product is made easily, fast, and low cost during production. VP of Marketing – Creates a positive image and reputation for the company, sets price to sell for profit. VP of Sales – Makes sure customers are happy so the company can sell a lot of products or services.
S OME OF THE JOBS OUR COMPANY WILL NEED TO HAVE ARE : VP of Finance – Makes sure that all of the money is accounted for and that a profit is being made. Production Workers – Work hard to produce the product or service the company is selling. Sales Staff – Work hard to contact potential customers and sell them the products the company makes.
S OME OF THE JOBS OUR COMPANY WILL NEED TO HAVE ARE : Other Jobs– Perhaps your business will include other workers specific to your business. Discuss other needed jobs.
W ORKING TOGETHER – What helps a team work well together? People need to listen to each other’s ideas and Respect each others’ opinions They should take advantage of others’ strengths and use what they are good at to help the company. Support for each other means support for the business.
W ORKING TOGETHER – Students work together to choosing people for the different jobs in the company. Consider the strengths of each student Example, if someone is a really good artist maybe they should be a part of the marketing team.
P ORTFOLIO R EFLECTION – Students write a reflection paragraph describing their job in the company, using Microsoft Word. Use LanSchool to distribute a simple form that can be completed by the students
Lesson Review Name: Click here to enter text. Review Sheet for Click here to enter a date. Our Business Name: Click here to enter text. Our Business’s Mission: Click here to enter text. I have been selected as the Choose an item. of our company. To complete my role in our new company, I will be responsible Click here to enter text. I feel that I will be an asset to the company because Click here to enter text.
L ESSON R EVIEW S HEET Use the form creation tool in Microsoft Word to create a simple formform creation tool Use simple drop down menus to help with data entery (See the From Creation Presentation for Help) Save the form as a template Distribute the form using LanSchool, or locate the form on a student accessible site. Have the students complete the form and print or save the form for their portfolio
I F TIME PERMITS : If there is enough time show this video from U.E.N. (17 min 28 sec.) How Our Economy Works. Part 1-All About Earning and Spending Money