C OMMUNICATION H ELP FOR O UTPATIENTS WITH L EARNING D ISABILITY Monica Freeman Chief Physiologist Dept of Clinical Neurophysiology Dorset County Hospital
W HAT IS THIS ? A short form to send with OP appointment letter to patients with LD Patient-centred, suitable for adults and children Easy to complete Brought to the OP appointment Kept with the test paperwork or put in notes
W HY IS THIS FORM USEFUL ? At-a-glance information to help understand the patient quickly Everyone with learning disability is different Suitable for any department Helps patient and carers feel “listened to”
W HAT IS THE OUTCOME ? Improved OP patient experience for people with learning disability Best possible test results are achieved Consistent approach to each individual Reduced stress of hospital visits
O THER SOURCES OF WRITTEN INFORMATION Access to notes PAS alerts Request form or referral letter Yellow Book
W HAT ARE WE DOING ALREADY ? Allowing extra time for appointment Extra staff to help Pre-planning and telephoning patients Adapting test environment This is Me form
T HIS ISN ’ T A SUBSTITUTE FOR Pre-appointment planning Telephone conversations The interpersonal skills and experience we all have already
The person who helped me with this form is: Relationship to patient: Today’s date is: Monica Freeman October 2012
A NY Q UESTIONS ? Would you use this form? Could it be useful in your department? Any other feedback and questions Thank you for listening Monica Freeman Chief Physiologist Dept of Clinical Neurophysiology Dorset County Hospital