Together for Health is funded by the United States Agency for International Development and implemented by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. in collaboration.


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Presentation transcript:

Together for Health is funded by the United States Agency for International Development and implemented by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. in collaboration with the Academy for Educational Development and Harvard School of Public Health MOH, Center of Health Statistics Reproductive Health Survey, 1999 Demographic Health Survey, 2007 Ukraine Selected FP/RH Indicators MOH, Center of Health Statistics Reproductive Health Survey, 1999 Demographic Health Survey, 2007


Abortion Rate, per 1,000 WRA Ukraine MOH service statistics Source: Ukraine MOH. *There is an increase in abortion rate in 2008 because of the change in reporting requirements. In 2008, the MOH started to collect data about the # of abortions from the medical facilities of other Ministries and from the private sector.

Abortion Ratio, per 1,000 Live Births (Ukraine MOH--service statistics data) Source: Ukraine MOH.

Abortions per 1,000 Live Births Selected Countries & Regions Source: WHO Health for All Database-data for 2006

IUD and Hormonal Methods Users, per 1,000 WRA Ukraine MOH--service statistics

Trends in Total Abortion and Contraceptive Prevalence Rates, MWRA (UKRAINE RHS, 1999 & DHS, 2007)


Percent of Married WRA using a Modern Contraceptive Method (UKRAINE RHS, 1999 & DHS, 2007)

Use of Modern & Traditional Contraceptive Methods (MWRA), Selected Countries & Regions Source: UN World Contraceptive Use 2005; Ukraine DHS 2007

Percent of Women who are Married or in Union using Selected Methods Source: Ukraine RHS 1999 and DHS 2007

Source: UN World Contraceptive Use 2005; Ukraine DHS 2007 Contraceptive Use by Method, MWRA Selected Countries & Regions

Percent of Women who are Married or in Union using Modern Contraception, by Urban/Rural Source: Ukraine RHS 1999 and DHS 2007

Percent of Women who are Married or in Union using Traditional Methods Source: Ukraine RHS 1999 and DHS 2007


Youth knowledge of modern contraceptive methods is high (age 15-24) Source: UDHS, 2007

Knowledge of traditional contraceptive methods (age 15-49) Source: UDHS, 2007

The missed opportunity - contacts of nonusers with FP providers Source: UDHS, 2007

Condoms Use at first sex, age Source: UDHS, 2007

Condom use during premarital sexual intercourse among youth, age Source: UDHS, 2007

Main Contraception Sources for condoms & pills Source: UDHS, 2007

THANK YOU! This presentation is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.