SEMINAR PRESENTATIONS Cambodia DHS and Measure DHS+ Survey Objectives and Methodology Housing and Characteristics of the Population Fertility and its Determinants Fertility Preferences Family Planning Abortion Women’s Status Domestic Violence HIV/AIDS and Other STIs Health Status and Utilization of Health Services Infant, Child and Maternal Mortality Maternal and Child Health Infant Feeding & Childhood and Maternal Nutrition
Fertility levels, differentials & trends Fertility-related factors
4.0 Total Fertility Rate (TFR) Cambodian women are giving birth to an average of 4 children during their reproductive years
Fertility rates by residence and education
to and + Fertility rates vary by region: Phnom Penh (2.1) Prey Veaeng Svay Rieng Kandal CAMBODIA Bantey Mean Chey Kampong Cham Kampong Thum Kaoh Kong Takaev Bat Dambang/ Krong Pailin Kampot/Krong K./ K.P. Sihanouk Kampong Chhnang Kampong Spueu Pousat Preah V./Stueng T./Kracheh Mondol K./Rotanak K. (6.3) Siem Reab/Otdar Mean Chey
Has the fertility rate changed since the 1998 NHS? 1998 NHS: 4.1 children 2000 CDHS: 4.0 children
Has fertility declined over the last 20 years? Age Years preceding survey Births per 1,000 women
FERTILITY Fertility levels, differentials & trends Fertility-related factors
Median age at first sexual intercourse for women age Median age at first sex
Median age at first marriage for women age Median age at first marriage
Median age at first birth for women age Median age at first birth
Median age at first sexual intercourse, first marriage and first birth First birth First sexual intercourse First marriage
Age at first marriage* by residence and education *For women age 25-49
Age of mother* at first birth, by residence and education *For women age 25-49
Birth intervals Half the births occur 34 months after the previous birth.Half the births occur 34 months after the previous birth. However, 21% of births occur within a too short interval (less than 2 years)However, 21% of births occur within a too short interval (less than 2 years) The shortest birth interval is in Mondol Kiri/Rotanak Kiri (29.3 months) and the longest is in Phnom Penh (37.7 months)The shortest birth interval is in Mondol Kiri/Rotanak Kiri (29.3 months) and the longest is in Phnom Penh (37.7 months)
Age Percent Adolescent fertility
Median duration of postpartum insusceptibility Months
Main Findings The total fertility rate is 4.0 births per woman. Urban women and those with higher education have less children than other women. The lowest levels of fertility are found in: Phnom Penh (2.1), Prey Veaeng (3.5), Svay Rieng (3.5), and Kandal (3.8). The highest level of fertility is found in Mondol Kiri and Rotanak Kiri (6.3).
Fertility has declined significantly over the last 10 years. At the age of 20, half the women are already married. At the age of 21.9, half the women already gave birth to their first child. By age 19, over one-fifth of teenage women have begun childbearing.