Hazard, Risk, and Vulnerability Assessment in the London Borough of Hounslow using GIS Adam Lemoine Alison Marotta Dan Lipson Scott Lonergan
Presentation Overview: Hounslow CentralRussell SquareProject IntroductionLiterature Review Methods Findings and Discussion Conclusion and Recommendations
Project Introduction: Civil Contingency Act 2004
Literature Review: Key Terms Hazards- Condition, event, or circumstance that could lead to or contribute to an unplanned or undesirable event Vulnerable Persons- Population possessing certain characteristics that make them more susceptible to harm and more likely to have a slower recovery Risk- The uncertainty of outcome, whether positive or negative, of actions and events. It is the combination of likelihood and impact.
Literature Review: Hazards
1 2 Likelihood Impact
Literature Review: Hazards
Literature Review: Vulnerability Overall Vulnerability Physical Vulnerability Exposure Resistance Social Vulnerability Community Resilience Concentration of Vulnerable Characteristics
Literature Review: FactorDescription Cutter et al. Army CorpsCRN Dwyer et al. Rød et al. Socioeconomic status (income, political power, prestige) Lower socioeconomic status increases vulnerability due to a lack of available resources. XXXXX Gender Due to statistically lower wages and family responsibilities, women are more vulnerable. XXXX Race and ethnicity Ethnicity can create communication and cultural barriers that increase vulnerability. XXXX Literature Review: Vulnerability
Literature Review: Literature Review: Vulnerability
Methods: Consulted with CPU members Determined Needs of the CPU Identified, collected, and mapped both hazard sites and vulnerable characteristics Collected and Mapped Data Final maps were analyzed and explained Interpreted Maps
Results and Discussion: Hazard Maps 13 Individual Social Vulnerability Factors Mapped 4 Composite Maps Combinations and Practical Uses of Risk Maps
COMAH Sites Map Findings: A B C D E
Petrol Stations Map Findings:
Flooding Map Findings: Zone 3 Zone 2 Zone 1 Flood Defenses
Flooding Map Findings: Zone 3 Zone 2 Zone 1 Flood Defenses
Flooding Map Findings: A B C D E A- Zone 3 w/o defenses B- Zone 3 with defenses C- Zone 2 w/o defenses D- Zone 2 with defenses E- Zone 1
Composite Hazard Map Findings:
Individual Social Vulnerability Factors 13 Factors Chosen In Total: Age (Elderly and Youth) Population Density Disability and Long Term Health Problem Education Gender General Health English Proficiency Migration Household Occupancy Occupation Renters Unemployment Vehicle Ownership
Individual Scoring Individual Social Vulnerability Factor Findings:
Z Scores Low VulnerabilityHigh Vulnerability Z Score: Percentile: Individual Social Vulnerability Factor Findings:
Individual Social Vulnerability Factor Migration Findings:
Pairing Social Vulnerability Factors Household Occupancy Migration Findings:
English Proficiency Occupation Findings: Pairing Social Vulnerability Factors
Unemployment Disability Findings: Pairing Social Vulnerability Factors
English ProficiencyMigration Findings: Pairing Social Vulnerability Factors
Composites Public Health Evacuation Minority Status Economic Stability Findings:
Public Health Contributing Factors: General Health Disability/ Long Term Health Problem Age Population Density Findings:
Minority Status Contributing Factors: Migration Gender English Proficiency Findings:
Evacuation Contributing Factors: Age Population Density Disability/ Long Term Health Problem Gender English Proficiency General Health Migration Household Occupancy Vehicle Ownership Findings:
Economic Stability Contributing Factors: Education Gender English Proficiency Household Occupancy Occupation Renting Unemployment Vehicle Ownership Findings:
Combinations and Practical Uses
Findings: Combinations and Practical Uses COMAH site Petrol Station Fire Brigade Police Station Evacuation Center
Findings: Combinations and Practical Uses COMAH site Petrol Station Fire Brigade Police Station Evacuation Center Hospital General Practices
Conclusions and Recommendations:
COMAH site Petrol Station Fire Brigade Police Station Evacuation Center
Conclusions and Recommendations: COMAH site Petrol Station Fire Brigade Police Station Evacuation Center
Acknowledgement s: Sponsor- Twm Palmer CPU- Timothy Arnold, Fiona Hodge, and Jyoti Sapkota Advisors- Dominic Golding and Patricia Stapleton Special thanks to Mike Mair, Richard Davill, Khuram Awan, Vinesh Govind, Michael Lewis, and Ben Pearkes
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