1 Action Plan for Jobs: Regional Presentation to Leader Group, 2 September 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Action Plan for Jobs: Regional Presentation to Leader Group, 2 September 2015

Economic recovery & jobs growth not being experienced to the same extent in all regions Action Plan for Jobs – emphasis on developing jobs potential of each region. 8 Regional Action Plans. Whole-of-Government initiative, being led by Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation with input from across the widest possible range of stakeholders in the public and private sector. Builds on the national Action Plan for Jobs process, but with a bottom-up approach from the regions. Background

Series of practical actions to support enterprise growth and job creation in the region, with clear timelines for delivery (commitments by LEOs, EI, IDA, Failte Ireland). Collaborative efforts of all stakeholders will make a real and lasting impact on jobs potential of the region. Regional APJs will cover , but will be flexible and dynamic to allow additional actions to be added as they emerge over the period of the plan. Ownership by the region will be critical for success. Timeline for delivery – 2 plans Midlands and South West published July 2015, West, Mid West and South East to be published in September, Border (October) and 2 further Plans in development (Dublin and Mid-East). Regional Action Plans will dovetail with the statutory plans to be developed by the Local Authorities and the three new Regional Assemblies (see graphic). Three new funds announced to support projects for Community-driven enterprise initiatives, LEOs and a Competitive Regional call. Overview of Regional Plans

Similarities with LEADER approach Both LEADER approach and APJ approach: Associated with local empowerment – local stakeholders take the lead and participate; Collaboration achieves better results; Take into account local/ regional needs and potential; Build on particular strengths and opportunities within the area/ region; Enterprise Development/ Job Creation/ Networking Themes; Sectors – Agri-food; Tourism; Renewable Energy; Marine; Creative Industries.

National Level Department of Environment, Community & Local Government Department of Jobs, Enterprise, & Innovation Regional Assembly Level (NUTS II) Sub Regional level (NUTS III) Local Authority level Regional Spatial and Economic Strategies (x3) (2016) INPUTS to RSESs (8 NUTS III level inputs) Regional Action Plans for Jobs (8 at NUTS III level) National Planning Framework – new NSS (early 2016) Regional Project Delivery Team (public bodies group) Regional Stakeholder Forum & follow-up Local Economic and Community Plans (by end-2015) Synergies between DJEI and DECLG regional plans

Process for development of Plans Regional Project Delivery Teams established in each region, comprising public bodies in the region, chaired by EI or IDA Regional Manager. Objectives: – help to identify the region’s strengths and opportunities – begin to formulate practical actions which can be taken to capitalise on the region’s strengths and opportunities, with an emphasis on collaboration. Key Themes for actions in regions (not exclusive):  Supporting Enterprise Start-ups/Entrepreneurship  Growing/Scaling of companies  Developing sectors with potential  Fostering innovation and R&D  Enhancing skills and labour market activation  Improving the business environment

6 Stakeholder events held so far. 150 – 200 people at each, representing public sector, Local Authorities, Regional Assemblies, indigenous companies, FDI companies, community-based enterprise, Third Level etc. Workshop-style approach. Emphasis on identifying practical actions to build on strengths and opportunities for the region. All actions being examined for possible inclusion in APJ for the region. Follow-up taking place to firm up on actions. Stakeholder Forum

IDA to spend €150 million over 5 years on property solutions for FDI. In addition, up to €100 million will be made available over 5 years through Enterprise Ireland, through: Community Enterprise Initiative: – competitive call for collaborative/ innovation proposals to promote entrepreneurship, create jobs, foster innovation and enhance export opportunities for small business. Closing date was 10th July 2015 LEO Initiatives: – A €5 million LEO fund, , open to groups of Local Enterprise Offices who come together to bid for funding for projects to support job-creation initiatives in their areas. Closing date was 10th July 2015 Competitive Funding

Competitive Regional call: (In Development) Enterprise Ireland intends to issue a further formal open competitive call for strategic, sectorally focused and regionally based projects later this year. Expression of Ideas Call - to inform the design of this formal open competitive call Enterprise Ireland is inviting submissions by 12 noon on Friday, 11th September 2015 that will: Help to identify potential areas of enterprise and sectoral opportunities in regions; and Stimulate a future pipeline of potential strategic, sectorally focused and regionally based projects. Us/News/Competitive-Process-for-Future-Regional-Enterprise- Development.html Competitive Funding

10 Any Questions? Eadaoin Collins, Dept. of Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation