Agency: Planned Parenthood of Delaware Intern: Bevin Hileman
Mission Our mission is to actively promote reproductive health and responsible sexual behavior through the provision of comprehensive high quality education, counseling and medical services. We support the availability of these services for all, including individuals whose access to other sources of help is limited. We promote public policy and understanding that supports reproductive health and family planning.
ABORTION PROCEDURES = 6% of services
Wilmington Site
DEMOGRAPHICS: BY THE NUMBERS ▪ In 2010, 57% of all pregnancies (11,000) in Delaware were unintended. aged 15–44 ▪ Delaware’s unintended pregnancy rate in 2010 was 62 per 1,000 women aged 15–44, the highest rate among the states. ▪ In Delaware in 2010, the federal and state governments spent $94.2 million on unintended pregnancies; of this, $58.2 million was paid by the federal government and $36.0 million was paid by the state. ▪ No racial or ethnic group makes up a majority: 36% of women obtaining abortions are white non-Hispanic, 30% are black non- Hispanic, 25% are Hispanic and 9% are of other racial backgrounds. ▪ In 2012–2013, 14% of women aged 15–44 in Delaware were uninsured, while 23% were enrolled in Medicaid.
BY THE NUMBERS ▪ In 2012, there were 190,780 women of reproductive age (aged 13–44) in Delaware, 104,510 of whom were in need of contraceptive services and supplies. Of these: – AGE: 13,760 were under the age of 20 and 90,750 were aged 20–44. – INCOME: Among women aged 20–44, 16,690 were below 100% of the federal poverty level. – RACE/ETHNICITY: 60,470 were non-Hispanic white; 25,750 were non-Hispanic black; and 10,210 were Hispanic.
Policies and Procedures Office Culture Language (reproductive terminology) Abbreviations Answering difficult questions No personal opinions or judgments Only factual information Safety and Security Be aware of suspicious encounters Do not engage with protestors Privacy policy (HIPAA)
Structure Board of Director Administration Clinical Services Dover Medical Office Newark Medical Office Wilmington Medical Office Development Education & Training FinancePublic Affairs President & CEO
Governance ▪ Planned Parenthood of Delaware is governed by Planned Parenthood Federation of America. ▪ PPDE is a unique locally governed affiliate of PPFA
TITLE X ▪ Title X is a federal program that guarantees a woman’s right to family planning services regardless of her ability to pay for them. The government provides money to family planning clinics, like Planned Parenthood, so that a woman who does not have health insurance can get care at reduced rates, or in some cases without cost, depending on her family income at the time of her visit. ▪ This program provides subsidized birth control, GYN care, and other reproductive health care for women who cannot pay full price. ▪ This program does not pay for abortion.
COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT ▪ From VP of Development Interview: “From my humble perspective, Planned Parenthood of Delaware’s biggest challenges with other agencies is the fact that one of the services we provide is abortion. Many people, and therefore organizations, are uncomfortable with this service. Therefore, if they associate with us, those who disapprove of abortion will picket/protest them. This applies to corporate donations, in-kind donations, or partnerships” ▪ From Education Coordinator: “We collaborate with many other organizations through committees like the Wilmington Teen Pregnancy Council, Teen Pregnancy Prevention Advisory Board and the LGBTQ Pride Council for Youth. We also work very closely with Christiana Care’s Alliance for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention each year to provide additional evidence-based comprehensive STD/HIV/teen pregnancy prevention programs to youth years old. We have conducted tours of our centers for other youth serving agencies to connect teens with our medical services, as well as providing information about our services during the youth education that we provide throughout the state.”
STRENGTHS,TRENDS & CHALLENGES ▪ Strengths: No other non-profit organization does what PPDE does and their distractors unite them! ▪ Trends: Decrease in Delaware teen sexual health risk factors. ▪ Challenges: Within PPDE the communication between the medical staff and the administrative staff is challenging.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT ▪ By averting unintended pregnancies and other negative reproductive health outcomes, publicly funded family planning services provided by safety-net health centers in Delaware helped save the federal and state governments $51.3 million in ▪ In the absence of family planning services similar to what PPDE offers, the number of abortions in Delaware would be 48% higher ▪ In the absence of family planning services similar to what PPDE offers, the number of teen pregnancy in Delaware would be 69% higher.
MY ROLE AS AN INTERN ▪ Administrative Office: HR Project ▪ Helping give the Human Resource employee files a facelift. ▪ Organizing the employee training logs.